Buttigieg says he and husband planning to have a child soon – IOTW Report

Buttigieg says he and husband planning to have a child soon

ABC: Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg announced that he and his husband are planning to have a child soon.

Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, revealed their plan at a rally in Brooklyn on Monday, just one day after he officially launched his 2020 presidential campaign.

Buttigieg, often referred to as “Mayor Pete,” made the reveal while answering questions about his views on paid family leave, an issue he said he has a “personal stake in.”

“We’re hoping to have a little one soon, so I have a personal stake in this one, too,” Buttigieg said. “We should have paid parental leave and find a way to have paid leave for anyone who needs caring.” more


h/t Flaming Hetero.

56 Comments on Buttigieg says he and husband planning to have a child soon

  1. So how exactly in nature does this happen?

    Oh that’s right, they are not having a baby, they are adopting/recruiting a baby. Back in my day, two mentally ill fags weren’t allowed to recruit a baby and make it mentally ill.

  2. So, the lovely couple are shopping for a little boy to love and nuture? Mayor Pedo for president!

    This gets sicker by the hour. ButtEdgy. A little advice.
    Don’t seek the presidency. Seek professional help and wish for anonymity from this day forward.

    America isn’t quite sick enough for you just yet.

  3. The Socialist-Demographic-Reparations-Homosexualist Party has captured another .00031 percent of the voters in America. How can these people be stopped from capturing the White House with this fabulous coalition of the depraved, the dishonest, the deluded, the deviant, and the damned?

  4. The poor baby will be a prop to make them look/feel normal it’s the same reason they got married.
    He knows it’s not normal he admitted it, if there was a pill to make him straight he would have taken it. I wouldn’t vote for him, not because he’s gay but because he’s a communist/socialist/progressive/new world order liar.

  5. Beto vs. Pedo. Is this some sort of joke?
    Phony irish American Mexican vs. a man who wants to have a baby with his husband.

    🎶He’s having my baby…

    These people should be on suicide watch and have their medication intake closely monitored.

  6. Will it be a vaginal birth or a C-section? Enquiring minds want to know or will it be by in vitro fertilization and a turkey baster. And which one of these 2 is going to supply the eggs and who gets the honor of being the sperm donor? He also kinda looks like a young Alfred E Neuman of What, me worry fame. We’re the ones who should be worried by this freak.

  7. Buttigieg gonna have a butt baby?

    Thas some funny shit, there!

    Put a diaper on a turd.
    Pederasty all in the family!
    You can bet your ass (heh heh) it’ll be a boy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @geoff. The dude said ‘My Husband’, which makes him his husband’s bitch. So, ButtEdge should start shopping for maternity clothes right away.

    Or do us all a favor.

    That Fox News is willing to give this mental case a platform on their network does not speak highly of them. First Bernie. Now this?

  9. I’m with Larry!!! Abolish the First Amendment and imprison those who don’t deep throat liberal orthodoxy.
    If prison isn’t good enough to the science deniers, those who have a rigid disbelief that two men can procreate, take their guns. And then we’ll be in total control!!!


  10. Hundreds of thousands of hetero couples looking for a baby and someone is going to allow these sick bastards to adopt? Who’s looking after the baby’s best interest?

  11. The headline is wrong. Should read “husband”. Much in the same way “married”should be so noted. I don’t know what you call such a pairing, but it certainly isn’t marriage by any definition. We’ve allowed the language to be coopted and now we’re paying the dividends in a big way.

  12. We should have paid parental leave

    Yes, fine. But it should be restricted to a mother who actually had a baby and a husband that actually had a stake in creating the baby. Not for a couple pansies that go out and pick one up out of a catalog.

  13. Honestly, how hard would it be to shop this dweeb into a spittin image of Alfred E. Newman?
    “Whut Me Worry?”
    Shit-man! … “givin birth” on the john wuz only a expression, not reality!

  14. Does adopting a baby into a gay marriage in the middle of a presidential campaign seem just a little bit disingenuous?

    It’s not a dog. Like the one Obama would have preferred to eat but pretended was a pet and has never been seen again.

    Hiding with Hillary’s “Socks” the cat no doubt.

  15. Rather than representing constituents, he spends more time checking before he flushes. Always on the look-out for tufts of hair and little hands connected near the shoulders.

  16. I made an Obama Doll (same as a Buttigieg Butt-Baby) yesterday morning … but I never considered claiming it on my taxes – or raising it.

    Guess I ain’t “with it” or “hip!”

    izlamo delenda est …


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