Don’t Brand Democrats ‘Socialist’? – IOTW Report

Don’t Brand Democrats ‘Socialist’?

Results from last year’s electoral field-test in Pennsylvania suggest that when Republicans brand Democrats as ‘Socialist’ they FAIL. So, why does the GOP continue this strategy for the 2020 presidential race? Do people even fear socialism?

8 Comments on Don’t Brand Democrats ‘Socialist’?

  1. These GOP rats don’t care about winning a majority – they’re happy where they are.

    Let Trump run the party, and they’ll win. But, they won’t becaude they have another agenda. And it ain’t ours.

  2. I walked out of a little ice-cream shop last night and a family sitting at the picnic table with their dog was there enjoying their ice-cream cones. Cute dog BTW, but he was of course was looking hopefully for a taste at everyone coming out with their ice-cream. I used to give my dog the rest of mine when I was done with it and believe me, he loved it! Anyway, I looked at those pleading eyes and thought dogs are the perfect caricature of Socialists.

    So to all you hopeful Socialists, don’t cage me or try to put a leash on me!
    I am NOT your pet!!

  3. Bernie Sanders ran for the top slot of the Demonrat Party – he is a self-avowed socialist.
    HRC WON the top slot of the Demonrat Party – and she describes herself as a “progressive” which is, in fact, a Wilsonian socialist.

    A distinction without a difference?

    So … how can anyone “brand” them anything other than what they are?

    “Skunk” does not “brand” a skunk a skunk. It simply describes him (it, zhe, ze?).
    “Rabbit,” “hare,” “bunny,” and “coney” all describe (pretty much) the same animal. They are NOT epithets – they are names given to illuminate (elucidate?) some idea of a particular animal.

    Why do socialists (in general) and Demonrats (in particular) chafe so much at being described as they are? What are they attempting to hide?
    The nose-picking mouth-breathing imbeciles who support them should, really, give this some thought (if thought is possible with them).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. If republicans would consistently hammer in why socialism leads to hell on earth, then pointing out that democrats are socialists would work. Republicans in office don’t seem to care about our country’s future at all.

  5. @ Tim,
    why did the Media change the colors that denote the supposed conservative and liberal political parties in the US?
    The Union army wore blue, the GOP party color was blue, but gruesome events in Russia gave ‘red’ a very bad connotation and abruptly, the Media switched the colors representing America’s two major parties.

  6. “They would have nothing”….If they were doing it today they’d call the republican party the “White Party.” That’s worse than the commie party. Just ask them.

  7. The GOP-E doesn’t want to win elections because then they would have to produce results. If they the minority party they get everything they want and get to raise money to “win” next time.

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