POLL: 54% want Congress to ‘move on’ from Russia collusion hoax – IOTW Report

POLL: 54% want Congress to ‘move on’ from Russia collusion hoax

AM: The release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report clearing President Trump of allegations his campaign colluded with Russians in 2016 hasn’t deterred Democrats in Congress from working to push him out of office.

But a new poll shows most Americans would prefer it if they’d moved on, a sign that the now debunked Russia collusion hoax is wearing thin.

“Fun poll from the late-night @CNN coverage that would have been nice to see put on-screen earlier in the day,” News Busters’ Chris Houck posted to Twitter.

The post included a screen grab from 12:15 a.m. that showed the results of a Monmouth University Poll from April 11-15.

“Now that Mueller investigation is over, Congress should …,” the poll read.

Fifty-four percent of respondents said they wanted lawmakers to “move on,” while only 39 percent want to “continue investigating.” Two percent said it “depends,” while five percent said they “don’t know.”  more

8 Comments on POLL: 54% want Congress to ‘move on’ from Russia collusion hoax

  1. What the hell is it that causes 39% (41% if you count the maybe’s) of the population either can read or watch the media report on a report done by an incredibly anti-Trump biased group of Democrat lawyers based on a proven lie that definitively states there was no collusion want to keep investigating?!?! How stupid are they? That is as scary as hell.

  2. We need to switch from the political witch hunt hoax of the POTUS to prosecuting those who attempted this soft coup. Some names of traitors: Rosenstein, Comey, Mueller, Strock, Page, Obama, the nasty Hildabeast, Lynch and a slew of others on the Mueller team, next level down a-holes in the FBI and DOJ who followed obviously illegal orders.

    When there is a gallows set up on the White House lawn and these SOBs swing is when we will have justice. Not before. Come on AG Barr, time to get to work.

  3. 54% want to “move on.”
    39% want to “continue investigating.”

    That’s 93%.

    But, “statistics don’t lie; though liars do statistics.”

    How many of that 54% want to “move on” so that HRC and the Traitors in the Deep State are left untouched?
    How many of that 39% want to “continue investigating” to uncover the Treasonous judge who signed a phony FISA warrant, the FBI Traitors who carried out this hoax, the complicit Traitors in CIA and NSA who threw gasoline on the fire of this hoax, and the Treasonous media who prostituted themselves to fan the flames of this hoax?

    Way too vague – but that’s pretty much SOP.

    izlamo delenda est …


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