Levin: Joe Biden ‘Upset that He’s a White Man’ in a ‘Radicalized Democrat Party’ – IOTW Report

Levin: Joe Biden ‘Upset that He’s a White Man’ in a ‘Radicalized Democrat Party’

Breitbart: Mark Levin mocked former Vice President Joe Biden’s whiteness as a liability within a “radicalized Democrat Party” in a Thursday interview with host Alex Marlow on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily.

“Joe Biden is an empty suit,” said Levin. “Joe Biden has tried this before. Joe Biden really stands for nothing. … This is a man who got elected to the Wilmington City Council right out of law school, got elected to the Senate when he was 29, sworn in when he was 30. He’s never created a job in his entire life. He’s never produced anything. He’s never done anything other than be a gasbag.”

Levin continued, “He’s a very, very nasty man. When he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he tried to destroy Robert Bork. He tried to destroy Clarence Thomas and a whole host of nominees for the circuit court. We know he is quite a dumb man. He did very poorly in his academics. He cheated. He’s plagiarized in terms of running for President of the United States. He’s lied about his academic record.”

Levin addressed Biden’s challenges in pursuing the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination, given the left’s racial politics.

“Today he is upset that he is a white man,” noted Levin. “He is trying to fit into what is a radicalized Democrat Party. This is his third run at it. He’s becoming the Harold Stassen of the Democrat Party.”

In March, Biden called for a “change” to “white man’s culture,” which he described as pathologized on matters of sexual assault.

“I don’t really know why [Joe Biden] is running,” stated Levin, rejecting left-wing and partisan Democrat news media characterizations of Biden as a “blue-collar” champion. “I know the commentators say he could take up the blue-collar vote. I don’t know what he’s done for blue-collar workers any time in his life. He was vice president to Barack Obama. They lost a ton of jobs in manufacturing and elsewhere, and the reason is high taxes, high regulations, and all that type of stuff. So he’s a job killer.” more

13 Comments on Levin: Joe Biden ‘Upset that He’s a White Man’ in a ‘Radicalized Democrat Party’

  1. The son of a bitch outright lied about what President Trump said about Charlottsville. Just plain lied. And the lazy lame stream fake media will not correct it.

  2. Sleepy Joe called me for economic advice in 08. I said, “watch me pull a rabbit out of my ass and poof, just like that, 600,000,000.00 just disappeared.


    …when the non-white people are enough to not bother voting for a white advocate, they can vote for a non-white advocate.

    He’s getting shifty-eyed trying to convince the monster he helped create that they shouldn’t dump him.

    He’s going to need to match the anti-white hatred of his party to keep the heads nodding in approval.

  4. @WillyGoatStuff – I have watched ALL the videos of the street scene intersection where ‘Heather Hayer’ was ‘killed’, all the vids showing the scenes from the street views to the aerial drone views.

    And ‘the best’ vid is the one of the gray Challengeer making it’s get away with the front bumper almost GONE.

    The same day TWO State Troopers lost their lives and NO one seems to remember THAT:


    There is also vid of Va milllcha getting VERY intimidated and have to back down because of the smelly Auntie-FAcists.

    That whole fukcing thing is FISHY and never passed the smell test and I ain’t no Q and or con theorist.

    The guy the got recently prosecuted for his ‘crime’ had NO chance from the start.

    Stand down orders??

    Robert E lee LIVES.

    Gropey Joe can ROT in hell along with MR. ” No you’re wrong ma’m’ McStain.

  5. The word in DC is that Joe is going to transition.
    He will formally be known as Joan. Then he can fondle himself without persecution. Besides, this way he can steal the Gay Pete vote.

    It’s all about strategy


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