We are entering dangerous territory. The radicalisation of the environmentalist movement, as seen on the streets of London over the past week, is accelerating and is increasingly acquiring a darker aspect.

GWPF: The anti-humanist strand of environmentalism is best exemplified by the renewed push to reduce the world’s population. Unlike in the past, when some governments, such as that of India, forced men and women into sterilisation programs and others, like the Chinese government, mandated “one-child” policies, these latest initiatives are voluntary. This makes them morally preferable, even if they remain intellectually incoherent. A populous world is a rich world and a rich world is better for the environment.

It should go without saying, though it bears repeating in some parts of the world, that motherhood ought to be entered into by consenting women. Under such circumstances, the optimal global birthrate and national birthrate would be determined by women’s personal decisions. Normally, these rates are impacted by a variety of factors including women’s religious beliefs where birth-control is concerned, economic forces and opportunity costs that women incur by joining the labour market instead of staying at home to care for children. But most people, including a lot of prospective mothers, are also influenced by broader social trends – the zeitgeist, if you will.

In pre-modern Europe, for example, religion, culture and society were often synonymous, and women were typically pressured into motherhood by commonly held beliefs, including those that said that it is “a woman’s duty to bear children and in doing so, make reparations for the sins of Eve. If she could not do so, she was a failure as a woman and lacked God’s grace”.

Today, a new quasi-religion is making inroads into popular culture and making claims about the optimal extent of female fecundity. The environmentalist movement, which started as a noble effort to make people and nature more symbiotic, increasingly sees human beings as a plague upon the planet. As such, environmentalism is running the risk of transmogrifying into a fully-fledged credo of anti-humanism.  more here


  1. …that motherhood ought to be entered into by consenting women. Under such circumstances, the optimal global birthrate and national birthrate would be determined by women’s personal decisions.

    No. Birthrates are properly determined by women’s and men’s personal decisions. Tupy has an ugly blind spot in her own zeitgeist.

  2. For many years I’ve said that if I ever found myself trapped in a confined space with a muzzie terrorist and an environmental nutjob and I only had one bullet left in my gun, one of those assholes is gonna get beat to death with an empty gun!

  3. This is the Great Filter posited in the Fermi Paradox.
    Prior to transcendence to starfaring, Lazlo surmises that civilizations go through a self destructive phase. Like teenagers, they suffer existential angst and factions dream of the noble savage days.
    They forget deaths by tooth abscess, appendicitis, and rusty nail foot punctures and the ensuing lockjaw.
    They feel sorry for their perch on top of the food chain. Their hubris fueled by full bellies filled by the efforts of others.
    Lazlo fears a pandemic set loose by friends of the ones who paid for the Georgia Guidestones. Less people means less competition for resources.

  4. Funny that no one remembers the origins of the “greens.”
    Anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-truth, anti-human, anti-civilization, anti-honest, anti-everything-worth-while.

    Utopia by the annihilation of 90% of the human species.
    Kill the productive, kill the children, kill society, kill comity, kill civilization.
    Pure, unadulterated Satanism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. While I think these enviros are nuts, I never subscribed to the point of view that more people in the world is better for the earth. Take a look at Africa and India. All they do is seem to pro-create and NOTHING improves. They are teeming with suffering people.

  6. stop2think,
    Do the math.
    If all the people in the world were installed in 4-to-a-house, 1/4 acre lots, with roads, we’d all fit into Kazakhstan.
    That people crowd themselves is CHOICE.
    That they live like beasts is another CHOICE.

    If “They are teeming with suffering people” (an observation with which I agree) it is because they CHOOSE to teem and suffer – not because of some unseen force or conspiracy to jam them into cesspools.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Today, a new quasi-religion is making inroads into popular culture and making claims about the optimal extent of female fecundity.

    So fight for me about yesterday’s astrology Science™!

  8. @JayPee April 29, 2019 at 10:23 pm

    > I’ve always been intrigued by how these
    > define freedom as the right to

    Well, if they said “We want you to agree that we deserve to enslave you!”, you’d be embarrassed to call yourself a loyal patriot, honoring the will of the people… and general suffrage… and republics and stuff… in front of all your loyal patriot friends.

    This way “the check’s in the mail”, and everybody can just keep on obeying.

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