Another ‘victory’ for socialism – Venezuela soars to the top of the world’s 2019 misery index – IOTW Report

Another ‘victory’ for socialism – Venezuela soars to the top of the world’s 2019 misery index

AT: It’s no surprise to anyone that socialist Venezuela is an utterly miserable place – there’s pictures showing that the capital of Caracas looks like a trash heap, there’s the fact that hungry people eat from garbage trucks and drink sewer water, and there’s the horrible reality that people are leaving  the country may see a full half of its population flee for any country that will take them.

But there are a lot of crappy places out there and maybe it’s just bad press focusing on a few things, right?

Wrong. The sheer awfulness of socialism in Venezuela has been quantified, in hard numbers, by Johns Hopkins University Professor of Economics, Steve Hanke, whose global list, with hard data such as unemployment, inflation, interest rates, minus the percentage change in GDP per capita, quantifies the factors every year.
Here is this year’s list:

12 Comments on Another ‘victory’ for socialism – Venezuela soars to the top of the world’s 2019 misery index

  1. Gurney Sanders pushes socialism yet lives like a capitalist because he knows that capitalism, THE superior economic system, will keep him from growing hungry.

  2. Yeah, when you make a successful country more miserable than iran and asscrackistan, you are really doing it right!….. er wrong! Hey, I didn’t see haiti mentioned on the misery index! Did I overlook it?
    It has be stated a thousand times (on this forum), socialism ruins everything that it touches.
    We (USA) may pretend to be representative republic, but when was the last time you felt that YOU were being represented?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Socialism is a means to wresting power.
    It has never been an “end” unto itself, for the simple reason that you cannot base something on a lie.
    The result of the embracement of socialism is always poverty, misery, slavery, and death – those are the only “real” (though disguised) foundations of it.

    The “truth” is out there – but the socialists have been so successful at mal-education that few even know where to look or why … or how.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Picture a rating scale here.
    When something is really good it gets 5 stars.
    When something is Progressive-Socialist it gets 1 to 5 turds.
    When Progressives drag something down to its lowest level of “Absolute Suck”,
    it earns the Venezuelan 5 turd Brown standard signed by Sean Penn.

    (For anyone who doesn’t know, Penn is a nuther Hollywood Exspurt who just can’t suck enough!)

  5. TRF — “In the run-up to last year’s presidential election, Stiglitz served as an advisor to Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful campaign on economic and trade issues.”

    Dreadfully close to turning the U.S. into a Venezuelan sh*t hole. Cannot even imagine what the economic downfall of the U.S. would have done to the rest of the world. China as the foremost superpower.

  6. AA – Right on. Never forget that they promised to destroy us from within.
    Don’t think for a moment that the Progressive Left isn’t well organized and well funded…
    by our enemies!!

  7. Facts about the deadly consequences of socialism won’t convince most American Millenials educated by communist cadre in our public schools and universities. Most Millenials consider socialism akin to altruism. Experiencing life as a Venezuelan may be the only way to make them face reality.


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