How can Democrat presidential candidates bow so deeply to Al Sharpton? – IOTW Report

How can Democrat presidential candidates bow so deeply to Al Sharpton?


When you look up to Reverend Al, you are actually looking down — way down — assuredly if you include morality and human decency in your perspective.  Yet those who have chosen to make themselves the frontline lemmings in the Democrats’ race for the cliff of political extinction all feel some compulsion to kiss the ring of this professional race-baiter, riot-inciter, and perpetual tax cheat in order to bring in the black vote.

I believe I hold a higher opinion of American blacks than these opportunistic Democrat nomination-chasers.  I happen to think there are many blacks who clearly see Al Sharpton for the bone-deep dishonest, professional charlatan he is, and has been since the first time his bloated, Marcelled mug graced America’s television screens, at the time he was in the process of inciting riots that took the lives of several New York Jews.

Or hymies, as Reverend Al labeled them.

Think about that for a moment — this is the man to whom Democrat presidential contenders feel obligated to pay their deference — this schemer, this scammer, this man who epitomizes the term scoundrel in his political activities andcriminal in those financial.  Reverend Al is a very bad dude, not so much in the sense of being a mortal threat, but in the moral sense that the man lives a corrupt existence that contaminates everything he touches.

That is precisely why I am totally mystified by the Democrat candidates dutifully lining up to kiss his decadent digits and wash his fetid feet.  What does that say about the lot of them?  Most assuredly nothing commendable — far from it, being more a clear demonstration of their soulless willingness to sell themselves to a racist devil who made himself into a liberal deity with every uprooted racial truffle his searching snout could root out of the fertile soils of America’s ethnic conflicts.  more

10 Comments on How can Democrat presidential candidates bow so deeply to Al Sharpton?

  1. More imperfidious Rasistry!
    They bows to me because I am de one who knows how the Hymic Numismatic Sorcery works! I know how to read their T-Leaves in their coffee cups.
    I knows what scandalocity them Jews are up to, much.
    I knows how to read the directionalitiousness of the weather vane of the White hedghogemony, and how to navagatify through the plantationistic thorough-fairs of the political systemology
    That’s why

  2. Every circus has an older, veteran clown who knows his way around the Big Tent, the Clown Alley, the Side Show, the Freak Show and the Baggage Train. This is the biggest Clown Show in American history, with more clowns, freaks, geeks, and hidden baggage than anyone could have ever imagined. The right Revrum Al Sharpton is that veteran clown in this circus, and he’s an old plantation darky to boot. He can round up his peeples at voting time with some of them reparations!

  3. They’re genuflecting to this racist prick because they can see the black vote starting to splinter with a big chunk looking favorably on Trump (last time I looked it was 27%) and they know they’ll need to nod from this piece of crap to hold on to the majority of what’s left. If Trump can keep the economy humming along, increase the pace of illegal deportations as well as getting the wall built with US labor, reducing black/hispanic unemployment while increasing their wages then dicks like Sharpton won’t be able to keep the blacks on the plantation and can begin voting for themselves and what’s actually best for them and not what’s best for the Sharpton’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s of the world.

  4. I don’t know how they do it. I only know why they do it.
    To reach the level were Big Al’s Big Behind is. And Big Al wants it kissed. And he knows they’re willing.


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