The plotters are panicking – IOTW Report

The plotters are panicking

Patriot Retort: Now that the RussiaGate plot failed and we have an Attorney General who intends to uphold the law, the plotters are panicking.

And that panic reeks of desperation and rancid sweat.

Yesterday’s not-so-bombshell report from the Washington Post regarding Mueller’s reaction to Barr’s March memo served its purpose.

Despite the fact that Mueller did not believe Barr’s memo was inaccurate — as even the WaPo’s story attests – within moments of its release, former Obama officials and the idiot Democrats in Congress and the media grabbed that story and ran with it.

Joe Scarborough


From the dumbest man on cable TV to members of Congress, this coordinated narrative clogged up the airwaves and social media.

Apparently they think we’re idiots.

But we know why the plotters are panicking.

This isn’t about protecting “the rule of law” or the Constitution.  This is about protecting their own hides.

And AG Barr is a threat to them.

So with the coordination of synchronized swimmers, the plotters launch an eleventh hour smear campaign in hopes of destroying the one man who could rip back the curtain and expose their attempted coup.  MORE

17 Comments on The plotters are panicking

  1. The Russians killed a dog in outer space. Not just “A” dog, but Laika The Space Dog.

    This is the kind of shit you are dealing with.

    They killed their beloved mascot just to fucking prove how much they suck.

    This is what socialists do.

  2. And they should be.

    Their crimes and high misdemeanors are finally being exposed THANKS to us and the election of DJT to POTUS.

    The idea of walking a thin plank is not a good thing…the thought of it can be WRECKING to the nerves.

  3. Mika and her Cohorts:
    Mika comes from a family that sold Human Misery for money for DECADES. All over the Globe. Slave Traders. Now Mika runs fake book sales and Womens Empowerment Groups, where the only people that get empowered are the wimmins that run it. Oh, and Mikas msNBC NAZI Mourning Circus Clown Cabal Channel. Sponsered by A Beverage Council tax deduction budget.

  4. Watching the Barr/Trump insult fest today, the demonrats were indeed over the top irrational. Similar to rats on a sinking sailing ship. In a sheer panic wanting to avoid the raising water, and desperate to escape becoming entangled in the rigging and sails and going down with the ship into the deep.

    But in this case it isn’t water that is up to their neck, it’s a much nastier thicker substance. Desperate for air, yet reluctant to take a deep breath of the odor.

  5. I heard Hillary on one of the late-night clown shows, calling on China to hack Trump’s tax returns. She was joking, of course, but I couldn’t figure out what the point of her rambling analogy was. Neither could the NPC audience, apparently. The crinkling sound of grey brows furrowing was audible on the radio I was listening to. Somebody should have just handed her a pickle jar.


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