Burisma – The Joe Biden Corruption Scandal Nobody Is Talking About – IOTW Report

Burisma – The Joe Biden Corruption Scandal Nobody Is Talking About

9 Comments on Burisma – The Joe Biden Corruption Scandal Nobody Is Talking About

  1. So…Obama sends Joe to the Ukraine and he funds the opposition party to the elected President of Ukraine to the tune of 400 thousand dollars and he, Biden, makes speeches which begin the revolt…Hunter Biden AND the family of John Kerry are made Directors of Burisma…Corruption …in your face corruption and the Left moves on..

  2. So…Obama sends Joe to the Ukraine and he funds the opposition party to the elected President of Ukraine to the tune of 400 thousand dollars and he, Biden, makes speeches which begin the revolt…Hunter Biden AND the son of John Kerry are made Directors of Burisma…Corruption …in your face corruption and the Left moves on..

  3. Biden goes with the flow of where the OIL profits potential is. He doesn’t care who the crooks are so long as he gets his share.

    Biden Sides With Trump, Bolton, and Pompeo in Backing Venezuela Coup Effort
    The Democratic frontrunner characterizes effort to overthrow the elected government of President Nicolas Maduro at gunpoint, as just another benign effort to “restore democracy” in Latin America.
    by Jon Queally
    May 01st, 2019
    Despite progressive critics and anti-war voices speaking forcefully against the Trump administration’s overt backing of the attempted coup d’état by rightwing opposition forces in Venezuela on Tuesday, 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden aligned himself with the White House by throwing his support behind the overthrow effort.

    “The violence in Venezuela today against peaceful protesters is criminal,” Biden tweeted on Tuesday. “Maduro’s regime is responsible for incredible suffering. The U.S. must stand with the National Assembly & Guaidó in their efforts to restore democracy through legitimate, internationally monitored elections.”

    But what Biden embraced as an effort to “restore democracy,” many foreign policy experts—ones not willing to give the benefit of the doubt to people like national security advisor John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and President Donald Trump—called something else entirely: a violent effort by Venezuela’s rightwing elites,
    led by Juan Guaidó, to overthrow the elected government of President Nicolas Maduro.

    Usually the people who try to overthrow governments are called “revolutionaries,” and they are not peaceful.

    Venezuelan Protesters Clash With National Guard
    [VOA is partly funded by the US government which is always lying]

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