GOP senator: Time to investigate Team Mueller’s leaks to the media – IOTW Report

GOP senator: Time to investigate Team Mueller’s leaks to the media

CR: During Attorney General Williams Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday afternoon, Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., encouraged Barr to declassify as much as possible in order to be transparent with the American people about the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe.

Discussing the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, Kennedy commented:

“I do think there were a handful of people — maybe some are still there [at the FBI] — who decided in 2016 to act on their political beliefs.”

“There were two investigations here. One was an investigation of Donald Trump. There was another investigation of Hillary Clinton. I’d like to know how that one started too,” the Louisiana senator added.

“And it would seem to me that we all have a duty, if not to the American people, to the FBI, to find out why these investigations were started, who started them, and the evidence on which they were started,” Senator Kennedy continued.

“And there’s another short way home here as well,” he told AG Barr. “All you’ve got to do is release — the president [of the United States] can — release all the documents at the FBI and the Justice Department pertaining to the 2016 election. Now you can redact national security information, but just release them instead of us going through all this spin and innuendo and leaks and rumors. Let’s just let the American people see them.”

“When you’re investigating leaks at the Department of Justice and the FBI, I hope you’ll include the Mueller team as well,” he concluded.  more here

4 Comments on GOP senator: Time to investigate Team Mueller’s leaks to the media

  1. What weak b.s.

    These GOP hacks sit on the sidelines while the left takes the nation into civil war. Once in a while, they squeak something in support.

    Where is that rat mcconnell?

  2. Sen. Cruz’s remarks yesterday scorched the Dem scumbags for their reprehensible [false] statements and accusations against our President and AG Barr.

    It is obvious to the rational among us that someone either in the Mueller gestapo or a congressman/woman/or someone identifying as either did the leaking purely in their full-court press hail-mary attempt to unseat a duly-elected President.

    It is obvious the Dem’s knew they weren’t supposed to lose the election (still cannot believe this is being discussed 2-1/2 years later)…nothing but a bunch of losers acting like 3-year olds (and that’s an insult to 3-year olds).

    “AG Barr, how come you didn’t look at all the 22 month-long investigation evidence?”

    “Uh, that was Mueller’s job and I took his findings as truth.”

    “So you didn’t look at all the evidence then?” (immediately moves onto next question to avoid a rebuttal to to galactically stupid questioner – aka Kamala Harris)

    The scumbags involved need to be held accountable for illegal activity – they do not/should not get a free pass or a chance to write a book about how they were misunderstood. I suspect had this unscrupulous criminal activity occurred during the Country’s early years they’d all be hanging from the gallows.


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