Venezuelan Violence: Will American Socialists Finally Learn the Lesson? – IOTW Report

Venezuelan Violence: Will American Socialists Finally Learn the Lesson?

21 Comments on Venezuelan Violence: Will American Socialists Finally Learn the Lesson?

  1. They are all thinking the same thing. Maduro is the latest in a string of socialist leaders who didn’t execute the plan properly. But the American loons think they have what it takes to make Socialism work without any hitches. Well that and the trillions in America’s 401K, Roth and other private retirement accounts. Once they get their hands on that cash then they can unleash the ultimate utopia.

    Well Utopia for themselves that is. For the rest of us, it will be Venezuela x100.

  2. The propaganda lies about Venezuela just keep coming from the best, born liars on earth.

    Communism is a political system that enslaves individuals, not allowing individual liberty. For Communists, violence is always the agenda to gain control,to wield power. It is Communism that advocates a completely controlled society, a completely controlled people, a completely controlled person. Generally, a police state that is ever watching and listening. Much like what is happening now in the USA.

    Socialism is basically an economic system that does allow individual liberty and livelihood, but also incorporates economic cooperation within society.

    Venezuela was not having national problems until the USA government decided to take revenge on the country for nationalizing its OWN oil resources to benefit its OWN people, which it was doing successfully. Before that, BIG foreign (USA) oil companies were stripping Venezuela of its oil AND the financial profits from it. Any violence happening in Venezuela now is the insidious doing of the criminal USA government/CIA.

    FEBRUARY 1, 2019
    Sanctions of Mass Destruction: America’s War on Venezuela
    “American economic sanctions have been the worst crime against humanity since World War Two. America’s economic sanctions have killed more innocent people than all of the nuclear, biological and chemical weapons ever used in the history of mankind.

    The fact that for America the issue in Venezuela is oil, not democracy, will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history. Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves on the planet.”

    “Over the past five years, American sanctions have cut Venezuela off from most financial markets,which have caused local oil production to plummet. Consequently, Venezuela has experienced the largest decline in living standards of any country in recorded Latin American history.

    Prior to American sanctions, socialism in Venezuela had reduced inequality and poverty whilst pensions expanded. During the same time period in America, it has been the absolute reverse. President Chavez funnelled Venezuela’s oil revenues into social spending such as free+6 healthcare, education, subsidized food networks, and housing construction.”

  3. They’ve had a sixty year crush on Fidel Castro regardless of all the evidence of his butchery and his death has left them wandering the world looking for a new hero to focus on.

  4. Rubbish —–Over the past five years, American sanctions have cut Venezuela off from most financial markets,which have caused local oil production to plummet.—-

    Obama sanctions in 2015 were marked against —- current and former Venezuelan officials that were allegedly linked to presumed human rights abuses and political corruption—— hardly sanctions to cripple a country. The USA stealing the oil gag is very old and stale. Chavez already had the country going down the tubes Maduro just finished the job. Venezuela oil revenue took a major sock on the jaw when Saudi Arabia flooded the markets with oil to depress prices in response to its fear of possible Iranian agression. Iran takes a punch to the stomach on its oil revenue. In turn oil producers like Russia and Venezuela also got beat down. What you gonna blame next – the Jewz?

  5. The fact is that American Socialists don’t want to learn anything.
    The dirty, little secret is they already know what Socialism leads to.
    They just wanna be in on the business end of the planet’s biggest going out of business “sale” if they can make it happen! They’ll be happy as Socialist Pigs in mud. It really is just that simple!

  6. American socialists learned their lessons with Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Kim, Castro, and Mao.
    They WELCOME violence, torture, bloodshed, war, famine, pestilence, misery, slavery and death. Indeed, these things are the earmarks of socialism.

    Socialists foment famine, chaos, and terror because it WORKS!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Socialism is easy to vote socialism in, but almost impossible to get out by any means.

    FWIW, since the early days of communism, the communists have looked at socialism as being a necessary transitory step in the transformation of capitalism into socialism. That’s why they support and promote it.

  8. Conveniently unmentioned is the technical expertise American oil companies brought to Venezuela to get the oil in the first place. Without that, there wouldn’t been any oil revenues for Chavez and Maduro to hide in foreign banks.

  9. It’s different in America.
    Remember who controls the levers to Modern Monetary Theory.

    That’s how it’s going to be pushed. Retarded? yes. Going to fail spectacularly? yes.

  10. I suspect this wouldn’t be happening now if the good people of Venezuela had told their Government to fuck off when they came collecting their guns.
    A good reminder to us, for those that need one.


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