Moore withdrawn from Fed consideration – IOTW Report

Moore withdrawn from Fed consideration

The Hill: President Trump said Thursday conservative commentator Stephen Moore has decided to withdraw from consideration for the Federal Reserve Board amid staunch opposition from Senate Republicans.

“Steve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process,” Trump tweeted.

Trump praised Moore for having “won the battle of ideas including Tax Cuts and deregulation” and said he asked him “to work with me toward future economic growth in our Country.”

The announcement came just hours after Moore said the White House was still “all in” on his potential nomination.”

Moore had come under fire for a series of written commentaries.

Most of the focus were on columns in which Moore disparaged women, including one he wrote that said women should not be involved in sports.

“Here’s the rule change I propose: No more women refs, no women announcers, no women beer venders, no women anything,” he wrote in the piece for National Review.

In that column, which Moore said was meant as humor, he said the sports broadcaster Bonnie Bernstein could participate in sports but only in a halter top.

In another column, Moore described parts of Ohio as being the armpits of America.

Moore had also been criticized for a joke about former President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama made in late 2016.

“By the way, did you see, there’s that great cartoon going along?,” he said. “A New York Times headline: ‘First Thing Donald Trump Does As President Is Kick a Black Family Out of Public Housing,’ and it has Obama leaving the White House. I mean, I just love that one. Just a great one,” Moore said at an event on healthcare.  more here

8 Comments on Moore withdrawn from Fed consideration

  1. Leftists/socialists/communists/demokkkrats destroy everyone and everything. A good man decides to keep his family safe from the violent apposition. The only solution is free helicopter rides.

  2. Tell me how dems have a sense of humor? The repubs will only approve an anal retentative humorless person who will make them money and protect the interests of their fellow dem financial travelers.

  3. Andrea “CNN Sucks” Mitchell also stated when reporting this that President Trump was guilty because the Taliban has not put any wimmins in seats of powers at tables in the ‘stans.

    Shit ya not

  4. Yet one more example of how inept, divided, and cowardly Republicans are, they do not deserve to rule anything much less the Federal government.

    Cain was a ridiculous pick and was smart to bow out, but Moore is more than qualified, he was exactly the type of person we want on the fed board.

    So a hundred years ago he wrote something disparaging women, now all the Republican Senators are running for cover because they don’t have the stones to say ,”Who cares, that is ancient history, he is qualified, Trump wants him and we support the president”. Obama/Pelosi/Shummer would never allow themselves to be cock-blocked like this, they knew how to form a united base, get their legislation passed and their appointees approved.

  5. Moore & Cain should not have withdrawn…make these sob RINOs go on record for casting their no votes against POTUS’s preferred choices so their future primary opponents can run against them on this. In effect, they’re giving the RINOs a free pass to exert their influence.

  6. Wow, that is too bad, very smart and funny, he has made numerous radio interviews, especially on Batchelor’s show.

    HE was just on the Marc Simone show YESTERDAY. BTW anyone that does not know MS you should follow.

    I guess we will be hearing more of him now…

  7. Update here and very important about character assassination:

    Moore is ON Batchelor right now explaining the past month.

    They called him a dead beat dad.
    They called him a wrotten husband.
    Etcetera, Etc, etc.

    He is naive in that he did not realize the battle he had in front of him

    But dare he speak about high economic growth and services and being associated with ‘such’ a person like our POTUS, is the ultimate test now.

    First five minutes were about his decision and the rest still going on…ECONOMY STUPID.

    He sounds WELL, he spoke VERY well of the POTUS and glad to have BACK in the PRIVATE SECTOR.

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