Cruise ship believed to belong to the Church of Scientology quarantined for measles case – IOTW Report

Cruise ship believed to belong to the Church of Scientology quarantined for measles case

WaEx: A U.S. cruise ship thought to belong to the Church of Scientology has been quarantined by health officials of the Caribbean island St. Lucia after a crew member was confirmed to have the highly infectious measles virus.

The country’s top medical expert, Dr. Marlene Fredericks James, confirmed the case Tuesday morning, and ordered the ship be locked down later that day, keeping the 300 passengers from leaving the ship.

“Because of the risk of potential infection, not just from the confirmed measles case but from other persons who may be on the boat at the time, we thought it prudent to make a decision not to allow anyone to disembark,” Fredericks James said in a video statement.

Sgt. Victor Theodore of the St. Lucia Coast Guard told NBC News that the 440-foot ship is called the Freewinds, which is the ship owned by the Church of Scientology. Theodore said the ship anchored off St. Lucia’s northwest coast is the same as the one featured on the Scientology website.

Indeed, photos of the ship on a marine tracking site show a very similar vessel to the one owned by the Church of Scientology.  MORE

13 Comments on Cruise ship believed to belong to the Church of Scientology quarantined for measles case

  1. According to Scientology beliefs, these people got sick because they were weak and just think they are sick. It’s not real, just a manifestation of some improper programming. Personally, I’m going with an actual virus getting them.

  2. So the ship is quarantined because only ONE person has a common contagious illness. BUT thousands of illegals with many more severe contagious diseases are being allowed into the USA and THEN widely dispersed into many urban US cities. In the meantime these illegals are getting first-rate care by the Pentagon/CBP while homeless and jobless Americans are hungry and sick in the streets?

  3. Although the US Military is NOT to be used internally, it is ordered to protect this country from foreign enemies, not to give them aid and comfort. The illegals crossing into the US from Mexico are not being stopped, or being forced to go back. Just because there is no big wall does not mean there cannot be any ORDERED enforcement. So why is blatant comfort and aid being given and PAID for by Americans?

    “The largest-ever group of illegal migrants to be caught at once have been detained by the US Border Patrol; 424 people were apprehended after midnight in Sunland Park, New Mexico, while an additional 230 refugees were arrested in New Mexico’s Antelope Wells around 2 a.m., the country’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports.”

    “This is an ongoing situation that US Border Patrol agents are facing in southern New Mexico: hundreds of parents and children being encountered by agents after having faced a dangerous journey in the hands of unscrupulous smugglers”, CBP said in a statement.”

    “The development comes after the Pentagon announced on Monday that it will send about 300 troops to the US-Mexico border to implement tasks that will put them in contact with migrants.

    According to the Department of Defense, the troops will be tasked with providing administrative support; they will help transport migrants, distribute meals and “monitor” their welfare.””

    Pentagon Approves $7.4M for Troops to Feed, Care for Border Crossers
    “Defense Department officials described the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) request for more aid for migrants as necessary in dealing with the “humanitarian crisis” at the southern border.”

    “Aside from helping to feed and care for migrants, the Defense Department mission will also include busing and transporting border crossers in the U.S. Federal officials made clear that troops will not perform any law enforcement functions:”

    “Last month, alone, more than 92,000 border crossers were apprehended at the border. Experts have projected that at current rates, illegal immigration this year could outpace every year of the Bush and Obama administrations with potentially 1.28 million border crossers and illegal aliens entering the country.”


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