Make room for one more in the 2020 Dem clown car – IOTW Report

Make room for one more in the 2020 Dem clown car

Colorado’s Bennet Makes It 22 Identical Democrats Seeking White House.

ET: WASHINGTON—Colorado’s Sen. Michael Bennet on May 2 became the 22nd Democrat seeking his party’s 2020 presidential nomination and the 13th from Congress with virtually identical extremely liberal voting records.

“I think this country faces two enormous challenges, one is a lack of economic mobility and opportunity for most Americans and the other is the need to restore integrity to our government,” Bennet, 54, said during an interview with “CBS This Morning” co-anchor John Dickerson.

Asked about the fact he is just one of nearly two-dozen candidates, Bennet said he believes it is “phenomenal we have an array of candidates that we have,” and he described it as a “competition of ideas.”

Bennet was described by CBS as “a relatively moderate Democrat,” but a review by The Epoch Times of congressional voting records found little difference between the Colorado senator and any of his competitors who are also current or former members of Congress.

Voting Records

As scored by the American Conservative Union Foundation (ACU) on 25 issues during 2018, Bennet received a 14 rating, supporting the group’s position three times and opposing it 17 times. Bennet missed five votes.

That tied Bennet with Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) as the two most conservative congressional Democrats presently seeking the presidency. The non-congressional candidates are similarly liberal.

The other 11 all scored below 10, according to ACU, including Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), 9; Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), 9; Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), 5; Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), 9; Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), 9; former Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.) 7 in 2016; Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), 8; Rep. Sean Moulton (D-Mass.), 8; former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas), 8; Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), 4; and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), 4.

The average ACU score for the 13 is 8.3. The same pattern was found in the 2018 ratings compiled by another conservative activist group, FreedomWorks.

The liberal Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) awarded Bennet a 90 score for voting right on 18 of 20 issues selected by the group for its 2017 scorecard, the latest available.

The ADA gave Booker a 95 score, as well as 100s for Harris, Warren, Klobuchar, and Gillibrand. Sanders, the self-described “Democratic Socialist,” was rated 95 by ADA.  MORE

22 Comments on Make room for one more in the 2020 Dem clown car

  1. This will be The Great White Debate – minus Corey and Kamala…they can have another one…in PROTEST.

    Harris having the history of SLAVE ownership and a former prosecutor makes it reeeally difficult to win and then there is…Spartacus…my goodness.

  2. He’s going to have to earn my vote…

    I’ve already got voting in prison
    $600 for presidential elections
    Medicare for life
    Free college
    Guaranteed income
    Legal Marijuana
    Open borders
    Green New Deal
    Equal pay
    $15.00 minimum wage

    I’m looking for a good latte and a massage just to start…

  3. So what is their platform?
    Conservative Democratic Socialism

    Definition of socialism. 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property.

    Is that the “Politically Correct” way to say slaves?

  4. Sooooo, I’m guessing……..if my neighbors’ porch light is off, he/she has left and is now running for the democratic presidential nomination???

  5. “I think this country faces two enormous challenges, one is a lack of economic mobility and opportunity for most Americans and the other is the need to restore integrity to our government,”

    …and Democrats like yourself are the antithesis of BOTH these things, so if that’s our goal, NOT electing you and yours is the BEST way to achieve it…

  6. I hope Kasich runs as a Dem, too.

    I hoid he’s gonna run as soon as he finds his campaign song:
    MT Hammer “You Can’t Lick This”
    (I know it’s out there. Keep looking guys)

  7. The Demonrat Party leaders are shooting for a brokered convention by ensuring none of the 22 get a majority of the delegates. The super delegates will chose the Chosen One on the second or third ballot, and it isn’t going to be Creepy Joe or Crazy Bernie.

    Every Demonrat candidate is playing their part in the charade.

    Chicago 1968. I would give Milwaukee a wide berth, because the shit is going to hit the fan. Look for puff pieces on a Demonrat who hasn’t entered the race.

  8. @ Inigo: Looks like you’re going to get your wish. Montana’s oh-so-precious governor, Steve “That’s Not Who We Are” Bullock has announced that he intends to run for the nomination. Maybe he’ll ride to the convention with a couple of ox drawn, stretch Conestoga wagons to haul all his competitors…


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