DHS to Test DNA of Illegal Alien Migrant Families for Fraud in New Pilot Project – IOTW Report

DHS to Test DNA of Illegal Alien Migrant Families for Fraud in New Pilot Project

ET: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under a new pilot project is set to begin administering DNA tests to migrant families as early as next week as an “additional investigative tool” to combat the increase in fraudulent families trying to enter the United States.

Consenting migrant individuals, under the new program, will swab his or her own cheek while being observed by DHS agents and a qualified technician, as will the claimed migrant child, in a test that will take “an average of two hours.” The Rapid DNA kits will be provided by contractor ANDE.

Migrant adults frequently pose as parents to children in order to take advantage of loopholes in immigration laws and avoid being detained. Special agents have seen perpetrators of this fraud using “forged birth certificates or other fraudulent documents to establish parentage.”

Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) said 101 family units were interviewed since April 18, and of those, 29 fraudulent families were identified.

“This pilot will help us determine whether this technology can strengthen our existing investigative processes and potentially rescue more children from dangerous situations,” DHS officials told reporters in a May 1 conference call.  more

11 Comments on DHS to Test DNA of Illegal Alien Migrant Families for Fraud in New Pilot Project

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Who is paying for this?? And just how many invaders are we planning to let in and finance?? Who in America will lose a job to these people we are letting in?? I don’t mind helping someone out, and I might be old fashioned but don’t Americans come first?? Sorry this immigration operation sounds like globalists narrow minds running the show and once again not thinking ahead or more likely not so much if at all.

  3. I’m sure the Left will find a way to block this, claiming it is a violation of the children’s rights or something. In their view, blocking it will be done “for the children”.

    Even if it is aimed at stopping the trafficking of children for all sorts of purposes, none of which are good for the children.

  4. “Consenting” migrant individuals?!?!?

    …you’re here and we didn’t invite you. We are under no obligation to ASK you for ANYTHING. Do it, or go the fuck home.

  5. Boondoggle. All that money wasted, when it could be a stretch of wall somewhere. Whose idea was this, and what is their relationship with ANDE?

    And yeah…”consenting”? WTF??

  6. Yeah, and we should start testing the DNA of the rats and spiders that crawl into our houses … that’s the ticket!

    Solution without a problem.

    Get em out.
    Keep em out.

    Pretty fukkin simple.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Whoever the genius was who thought this up should be fired immediately. Illegal aliens are not migrants. Mexico has already said that they can seek asylum in Mexico. If that’s not good enough for someone who is seeking asylum then they can’t be that desperate for it.

  8. @Crackerbaby May 3, 2019 at 8:02 am


    Because patriots curse the bullets, killing their neighbors. Fix the snipers sammiches. Pick up some overtime to buy them more bullets. And stand watch over them. So the snipers can get a good night’s sleep.

  9. @Perry May 3, 2019 at 8:12 am

    > sounds like globalists narrow minds running the show and once again not thinking ahead or more likely not so much if at all

    Why (not a rhetorical question) do you find it impossible to believe that people that hate you, want to harm you? That people that call you enemy, want you dead?

  10. @AbigailAdams May 3, 2019 at 10:13 am

    > Whoever the genius was who thought this up should be fired immediately.

    They were hired by The Party. To do The Party’s business. And, they’re doing it well.

    Vast majority of those who volunteer (because it can only be done with volunteers) are related (at least related enough to be on an episode of “Who dat baby daddy?”)? The Party was right! These are wymyns and children! Fleeing patriachy! (Even if daddy’s along to carry the luggage.) How dare you deplorable dregs deny them your money!? (Plus our vig, of course.)

    Vast majority of those who volunteer are not related? The Party was right! These are wymyns and children! Fleeing patriachy! Family is a (non-gendered) wymyn’s choice social construct! How dare you deplorable dregs deny them your money!? (Plus our vig, of course.)

    Even split of the relatedness of those who volunteer? The Party was right! These are wymyns and children! Fleeing patriachy! And we need a study (lead by good feelz wymyn of STEM) of why these tests are invalid! How dare you deplorable dregs deny them your money!? (Plus our vig, of course.)

    All roads lead to… well… somebody else’s backyard.

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