Australia: Uber Sued by 6000 Taxi Drivers – IOTW Report

Australia: Uber Sued by 6000 Taxi Drivers

ET: A class action filed on behalf of thousands of taxi and hire car drivers against Uber alleges the global rideshare giant operated illegally in Australia.

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers says more than 6000 people have joined the action, covering drivers across Victoria, NSW, Queensland, and Western Australia.

It alleges Uber’s operations in Australia were illegal because the company knew its drivers were not properly licensed and did not have proper accreditation.

“Make no mistake, this will be a landmark case regarding the alleged illegal operations of Uber in Australia and the devastating impact that has had on the lives of hard-working and law-abiding citizens here,” Maurice Blackburn’s national head of class actions Andrew Watson said.

“It is not acceptable for a business to place itself above the law and operate illegally to the disadvantage of others.”

The class action alleges Uber adopted a program to avoid enforcement activities, and as a result, had an unfair competitive advantage against taxi and hire care operators and drivers who did comply with the law.  more here

2 Comments on Australia: Uber Sued by 6000 Taxi Drivers

  1. So Australia has a lot of Muslim cabbies, too, I guess. Is there something in the hadiths which forbids them from becoming Uber drivers? Maybe it’s bad form to double park in front of the mosque at prayer time if you’re not driving a cab.


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