Ruling: High-Testosterone ‘Woman’ Must Take Drugs to Compete – IOTW Report

Ruling: High-Testosterone ‘Woman’ Must Take Drugs to Compete

South African runner Caster Semenya must take testosterone-suppressing drugs in order to continue to compete in women’s track events. That’s the ruling from the Court of Arbitration for Sport, which acknowledges the decision discriminates, but is better than any conceivable alternative solution. Semenya, and others, say the ruling discriminates against people who are just trying to be who they really are.  – Bill Whittle

14 Comments on Ruling: High-Testosterone ‘Woman’ Must Take Drugs to Compete

  1. This shit only exists cuz we hava gummint with head in the sand derangement syndrome. Gummit is distracted by this shit, stead of impending bankruptcy.

  2. Would a naturally-occurring high testosterone woman have to take the drugs? If the issue is the testosterone, that is only fair. Maybe the issue is something else.

  3. The thing is, Caster is a cross between a man and a woman.
    He does have XY chromosomes but damn, looks like a he-she to me.

    If Caster competes against the men, he loses.
    If Caster competes with the women, he crushes them.
    His male biology is superior to his female biology.
    Sadly, women against him are fighting for second place.

  4. Do you see where this is going?
    Soon the cabal will remonstrate that in order to achieve ‘optimal transition’ you have to start with the hormones and possible teste/ovary removal well before puberty.
    If you can’t kill them in the womb, you need to start screwing them up in elementary school.
    This is perversion.

  5. I knew there had to be a reason I didn’t follow the Women’s 800 meters in the 2016 Olympics

    Interesting fact about Castor — despite her natural hormonal advantage, she does not hold the WR. That was set by Jarmillah Kratchtovilova from Czechoslovakia back in 1983

    Hmmm, 35 year old record, set by woman from behind Iron Curtain, that even a intersex human can’t break? Kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

    Having actually seen pictures of Jarm, I actually dont


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