Tom Arnold’s ‘Obsession’ With Donald Trump Helped End His Marriage – IOTW Report

Tom Arnold’s ‘Obsession’ With Donald Trump Helped End His Marriage

His estranged wife also claims that Arnold lied when he told the Secret Service he didn’t have any guns in the home after agents visited him to investigate threats against Trump.

—– Story at Summit News.

21 Comments on Tom Arnold’s ‘Obsession’ With Donald Trump Helped End His Marriage

  1. Ah, a story of pure Karma and I love it! I saw 2 seconds of his cable show devoted to this, pure sicko.

    More liberals need to have Trump living in their heads rent free 24/7!

  2. Trump Derangement Syndrome really does need to be legally recognized as a mental condition at this point…
    There are countless victims of this in our country, something needs to be done!

  3. His wife having to see this drooling idiot naked probably didn’t help. Hey hon. Just a suggestion. Go on the campaign trail with President Trump for a few weeks.
    Tommy will croak. You get whatever money he has left. And you won’t have to go through the ugly divorce process.

  4. Some guy can ruin your marriage… some guy who doesn’t live in your house, town, or even state? Some guy you don’t even know? These TDS clowns are a lesser form of human.

  5. Poor Tom. Brain is toast. No longer able to reason. Controlled by rage. Remember Tom when telling kids tempted to try drugs. Dumb shit has no idea he’s washed up, useless, and worthless. Thinks he’s the greatest. No idea how far he’s fallen. Pathetic.

  6. Awesome. Trump lives in their heads rent free.
    Now that’s what a social media influencer is.
    influencing the mindless self aggrandizing hollywood hoards and making liberals crazy that need to be made crazier.
    and he does this all through twitter.
    Wow. just wow.

  7. Maybe the divorce has more to do with TA being an arrogant asshole than any obsession he might have, or his wife’s expectations that he’d have an actual career.
    (Reminds me of a commercial ad – Obsession – for Men?)


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