Lindsey Graham invites Robert Mueller to testify about his phone call with AG Barr – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham invites Robert Mueller to testify about his phone call with AG Barr

American Thinker-

I am filing this story in the “put up or shut up” category of invitations.  Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham Friday morning sent a letter to Special Counsel Robert Mueller inviting him to testify about the phone call he had with A.G. Barr following the letter Mueller sent to Barr about the summary of findings the A.G. issued, pending release of the full report.  That letter, purportedly meant to be private, nonetheless was leaked right before Barr testified before Graham’s committee and was used by Democrat members to criticize the A.G.

Here is the letter, as released in a tweet from the Judiciary Committee:

In sending this letter, Graham was following through on a promise he made following A.G. Barr’s testimony:  MORE HERE

10 Comments on Lindsey Graham invites Robert Mueller to testify about his phone call with AG Barr

  1. Lindsey is a tough one to figure. If “will not say his name” had something over on him, wouldn’t you think he passed that info on to his team of traitors to ensure Lindsey toes the line? Lindsey doesn’t seem to be toeing the line.

  2. So exactly what is up with Mr. Grahamnesty? What did McCain have on the cat?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. joe6pak, since his brilliant Kavanaugh stint, he has swerved, just a little, back to his pro illegal alien bent. I think the blow-back he received shut his mouth pretty fast. He might have learned his lesson. Maybe.

  4. joe6pak MAY 4, 2019 AT 11:36 PM

    I’m going with… If you have something on somebody you also might want to have the ability to deliver the dirt without soiling yourself. McShitstain had sufficient lack of morals to deliver and enough on others to gain support.

    Probably many very Hap, Hap, Happy when he went and feeling they’re safer now that he’s gone while morning like “professional mourners” of the old days. (We had “Minnie the leaper” who was famous for diving on the coffins as they were lowered. I miss the old days…) Although the week long plus for him out did the three day wakes that used to be.

  5. Looking back on Graham 2.Nothing’s record of nearly 2 decades in the Senate, I’m a little wary of his new position especially after last month’s collaboration with Da Nang Dick Blumenthal for their phony red flag gun law hearings. Basically this is how Lindsey set it up:

    “In the Senate this week (3/26/2019, Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham packed a panel appearing before his committee that was almost entirely supportive of all-out gun confiscation.

    Not surprisingly, Graham refused to announce his witness list until 24 hours before the hearing. And he refused to allow other Republican senators to have any input.

    Then he paraded before the American people a carnival of gun-hating fools — complete with a sign-waving demonstrator and a bench of Democrats proclaiming that gun confiscation wasn’t nearly enough for them.

    That said, for all of his efforts, it appears to us that Graham lacks the votes right now to pass any of the “red flag” gun confiscation bills that have been introduced.”

  6. Totally agree with most, I’ve stay on the fence about Lindsey all along. His history tells a tale to mistrust. The sudden change happened only after Mccain ‘went down’ August 25, 2018. Graham Elected Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee January 10, 2019. It’s May 5th, 2019, he’s dragging his portentous RINO heels,,,


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