Texas bill would restrict certain food stamp purchases, ban ‘sugary drinks and snacks’ – IOTW Report

Texas bill would restrict certain food stamp purchases, ban ‘sugary drinks and snacks’


A proposed bill in Texas seeks to put restrictions on what types of foods can be bought with food stamps — and certain drinks and snacks haven’t made the cut.

The bill labeled “HB4364” was brought forward by State Rep. Briscoe Cain, who said its goal is to help combat the threat of diabetes, KHOU 11 reported Tuesday.

“HB 4364 seeks to curb the spread of diabetes and other health complications among Texans in at-risk populations by eliminating sugary drinks and snacks from the state’s nutrition assistance program,” Cain said.

The bill was filed on March 8, the outlet said, however reports emerged this week about its contents.  more here

21 Comments on Texas bill would restrict certain food stamp purchases, ban ‘sugary drinks and snacks’

  1. Go back to soup kitchens and the associated lines….. shiite will dry up real quick! The problem is that government is falling all over itself to spend your money!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. At first, my eyes skipped over the “food stamp” part of the headline. My heart sunk thinking that the leftists escaping CA have infected dear Texas!

    Then I read the first line, and, WHEW! Way to go, Texas!

  3. I distinctly remember when EBT signs started showing up in the Hussein admin.

    Paging Mike Bloomberg, the Short One, on whether I should have salt or sugar.

  4. It gets so old. Everytime I go to Dollar General store or some such, I inevitably get behind the person with the card with the flag on it. They use multiple cards but that’s the one that has the problem. Every. Time.

    It means my five minute run to the store is now 20 minutes. That I’ll be waiting while they run out to talk to someone in the car to cover their junk food.

    I think they should move back to having to use actual stamps. Fewer businesses would take them and it would put the stigma back on using it by not making it look like a credit card. It should have their name on it and they should having matching government issues photo ID to use it.

  5. Go on a cruise out of Galveston. You’ll see EBT cards being used for just about everything and anything on-board. It’s tough being poor on a cruise.

  6. 1# beans
    1# rice
    5# flour
    12 eggs
    1 gal. milk
    1# bacon
    5# meat

    per family, per week.
    Trade, sell, barter – you get NO more. PERIOD.
    Pass drug test – or no food.

    And keep in mind that da “po folks” is only da pawns in this vast, corrupt, bureaucracy. If the money allocated to alleviating poverty had actually gone to the “po folks” they’d all (every single one of them) have 3 bedroom houses with a Cadillac SUX sitting in the driveway. The fact that poverty still exists is THE testament to the theft and corruption – by BOTH parties over decades of scam.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I had a woman who exhausted her EBT card and was a dollar short on her checkout bill.

    She’s digging through her purse, pulling out pennies and counting them on the conveyor belt. Minutes go by of this. Finally, I just pull put the difference and give it to the cashier.

    Woman is like “I’m so embarrassed.”

    Now you’re embarrassed?

    Holding me hostage is not embarrassing. Sucking off my government’s titties is not embarrassing.

    I checkout before she even gets out to her car which was a 2 or 3 year old brand new looking Chevy Tahoe while I’m getting into my 10 year old Toyota.

    Grrr. Seeing the steaks and beers paid with cash or a normal credit card while everything else gets the EBT and then if I say something to the cashier they let me know that they were charged to the correct cards.

    Not the point, numbnuts.

  8. Being able to use the EBT card in Jack in the Box is a personal affront to me.
    No matter how bad for you, it is still eating out.
    If other people have to pay for your food, you can’t afford to go out.
    Besides the criminal waste of spending forty tax dollars for one meal for a family of four, they are still eating out. Forty bucks could buy a lot of groceries, go farther, actually be healthier for them.
    President Lazlo would make EBT cards useful ONLY for groceries.
    Not a damn premade item on the list.

  9. I know a guy who has been on the government tit for nearly 30 years now. (Job stress did him in, ya see). Well, he’s a big 0bama lover/Trump hater. He claims WE have to take care of the poor because it’s OUR fault to begin with, not theirs. (obviously not his either). He recently inherited around $750,000 and is telling people HE built that wealth with smart investing. This is one time where the death tax was sorely needed.

    I kid you not.

  10. Theft by proxy is still theft. All parasites, and the bureaucratic parasites who created them, _WILL_ answer to God for their iniquity, and none shall escape.

  11. So? They’ll do the same thing they do now – pay for all the “approved” items with the EBT card, then whip out a roll of cash to pay for everything else. And then tote all their stuff out to the nice, shiny Lexus in the parking lot.

    I see it every time I go to the grocery store.


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