Will Mueller Testify On May 15? – IOTW Report

Will Mueller Testify On May 15?

Dan Bongino: Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) said yesterday that a tentative date of May 15 has been set for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify before the House Judiciary Committee about his Russia report.

Speaking to Fox News Sunday, the congressman said, “We think the American people have a right to hear directly from him.”

When asked if Mueller would show up to the hearing, Cicilline said, “Obviously, until the date comes, we never have an absolute guarantee. The White House has so far indicated they would not interfere with Mr. Mueller’s attempt to testify; we hope that won’t change.”

Yesterday, President Trump railed against the Democrats’ plan to call Mueller to testify, writing on Twitter, “After spending more than $35,000,000 over a two year period, interviewing 500 people, using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents – all culminating in a more than 400 page Report showing NO COLLUSION – why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller…….to testify. Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!”  MORE


10 Comments on Will Mueller Testify On May 15?

  1. Mueller is meeting with dems right now to craft his speech. That’s collusion. And kamala harris wanting Barr investigated for “maybe” investigating dems is the ultimate in irony. Gawd we need a war.

  2. As Dan Bongino said this morning, the republicans need to ask him WHEN he knew there was no collusion. We know he had to have known early when the Steele Dossier was found to be a fraud. Why did he wait so long to publish the report?

  3. If he doesn’t testify, will the leadership have him arrested for Kontempt of Kongress?
    (there has to be a Groucho Marx joke in there; with a waggle of the eyebrows, a flick of the cigar, and the bent knee stride, “I already hold Kongress in Kontempt”)

  4. Well, let’s just give him (and the Democrats) over a week to formulate a plan, why don’t we? What could possibly happen? I sure hope a couple of big white guys in MAGA hats don’t pour bleach on him on the way to the Senate!

    Nine whole days. Screw that! I’d schedule his testimony for 12:30PM, serve him his subpoena during his lunch that day and tell him there’s an Uber waiting for him outside. Tell him he should be glad he’s not Roger Stone.

  5. Remember this?
    ““We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
    I’m thinking President Trump has a real civilian army backing him already.
    Keep pushing, commies.

  6. The Donkeys cannot afford to have Mueller answer some fairly obvious questions under oath, so they’ll make sure he never testifies and try to spin it as the GOP preventing it.

  7. Do bears shit when they hibernate?
    This one’s been really riding out the paycheck route,,
    Not wondering about the real 2nd question,,,
    ‘What happened Rob, did you wake up with a sore ass?’


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