CNN Poll: Trump Loses 2020 Election to (Almost) Every Leading Democrat 🤣 – IOTW Report

CNN Poll: Trump Loses 2020 Election to (Almost) Every Leading Democrat 🤣


A CNN poll of 1007 registered voters shows that incumbent President Donald Trump loses a theoretical head-to-head race to nearly every leading Democrat presidential hopeful for the 2020 election…one by a HUGE margin. Can Republicans safely ignore polls like this, or does it tell us something about the electorate that Trump can ignore only at his own peril.

18 Comments on CNN Poll: Trump Loses 2020 Election to (Almost) Every Leading Democrat 🤣

  1. CNN = Fake News Media so this is a “wet dream” fantasy of the Left.

    I believe the EXACT OPPOSITE of everything that CNN espouses and I am always right. Alternatively, you can say CNN lies all the time and is always wrong. Thank you CNN for confirming that it will be a landslide win for Trump in 2020.

  2. Communist News Network today announced that in a poll of 1007 of its employees and their families, that Democrats in the 2020 election overwhelmingly all will easily beat Trump in the 2020 election.

    Those employees polled that said they would vote for Trump were immediately terminated and their work records smeared and distorted so they would never get another job as long as they live.

  3. “Now we can put the brakes on Prosperity, Freedom, Liberty, and Comity!”

    thas whut Jill sed to say ………….. i donut no whut it meens, but o! I can half some i-screen!

  4. Polls now, as they have been for the last several elections, are nothing more than carefully crafted propaganda meant to influence and persuade the electorate.

    Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

  5. NBC was gushing over buttplug as a great candidate this morning. Made a big deal of him talking about his “faith.” If that was a conservative candidate talking about his faith, the msm would be calling him a nazi, if they gave him any airtime at all.

  6. @CC

    In the lion (Trump) vs hyenas (liberals) wars, always bet on the lion.

    It’s a good analogy. Trump, the magnificent and powerful leader (no, not the King).

    Liberals, always squawking and howling, mob oriented, and too weak to go one on one with the big guy.


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