Gun owners challenge Colorado’s red-flag gun law in court – IOTW Report

Gun owners challenge Colorado’s red-flag gun law in court


The conservative firearms group Rocky Mountain Gun Owners filed a lawsuit Thursday in Denver District Court challenging Colorado’s red-flag law.

At a press conference in the Colorado Capitol, the group’s executive director, Dudley Brown, was joined by House Minority Leader Patrick Neville and several other House Republicans who claimed the state constitution was violated when their motions to have the red-flag bill read at length were denied in March.

“Democrats used illegal and unconstitutional tactics and methods,” Brown said.

A spokesman for Attorney General Phil Weiser said Thursday afternoon that his office will need to review the lawsuit before commenting on its merits. House Democrats disputed RMGO’s claims.

“This is not about what happened during the debate — this is about the gun lobby trying to unwind a popular measure to help save and protect lives in Colorado,” said House Majority Leader Alec Garnett, D-Denver, in a statement. “Throughout the entire debate, no one approached me about the issue they are raising in their lawsuit. We have been extremely respectful of the rights of the minority party and this bill was respectfully debated in the House.”

Gun rights supporters are not challenging the bill’s constitutionality, but rather the manner in which it passed the House. They made clear that future lawsuits may challenge the bill itself.

On March 1, Republican Rep. Dave Williams requested on the House floor that the bill be read at length but was told by Rep. Jovan Melton, the presiding Democrat, “that request was not properly moved.”  more here

8 Comments on Gun owners challenge Colorado’s red-flag gun law in court

  1. I need to start working on my exit plan from Colorado. The Callytards have taken over and it’s only a matter of time before they destroy this state’s economy.

  2. So because it’s a “popular measure” it should stand? To heck with the Constitutions of the country and state eh?
    So, using that logic we should be able to outlaw abortion, which the libidiots claim is constitutional. We should be able to outlaw welfare. And on and on.

  3. “This is not about what happened during the debate — this is about the gun lobby trying to unwind a popular measure to help save and protect lives in Colorado,” said House Majority Leader Alec Garnett, D-Denver,

    This jerk was inadvertently correct; the “gun lobby” is trying to help save and protect lives. And the second amendment.

  4. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that guns can be removed from individuals.
    Nowhere in the Constitution does it say individuals cannot be removed from their guns.

  5. These “Red Flag” laws violate the US Constitution in many ways. Free speech, gun rights, search and seizure, due process and more I’m sure. They also legalize slander and libel.

  6. This is a good strategty, if it wins it kills the bill (it should since the Democrats clearly evaded the rules to push it through, and if is somehow doesn’t it still leaves a Constitutionalonstitutional challenge (amendments 2, 4, 5, 6, maybe 9 too) open to have it overturned in Court.

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