Vermont: If the State Can’t Afford the $15 Minimum Wage, Who can? – IOTW Report

Vermont: If the State Can’t Afford the $15 Minimum Wage, Who can?

Ethan With just a couple of weeks left in the 2019 legislative session advocates for the $15 minimum wage were somehow surprised by the reality that, if they pass this, more revenue will be necessary to pay state funded healthcare workers. One estimate, likely low, says that figure will be $30 million over five years.

The situation is this: many healthcare workers who are employed by public/private partnerships and dependent upon Medicaid funds for their salaries currently earn less than $15 an hour, with jobs starting around the current minimum wage of just under $11 an hour. If the mandated wage increase goes into effect, but no money is allocated through Medicaid to make up the difference, the only option is to lay off workers and cut services. As a VPR article states, this is “a simple math problem.”

However, as that article also notes, “… so far at least, lawmakers have yet to make any long-term commitments to assure that the increased Medicaid funding will materialize…. Late last month, the House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs attached an amendment that would allocate $875,000 in Medicaid funding to offset payroll increases in year one of the phase-in. Waterbury Rep. Tom Stevens, the Democrat who chairs that committee, said even that money could be difficult to find in the budget — “and we’re not sure it’s there,” he said.  more

12 Comments on Vermont: If the State Can’t Afford the $15 Minimum Wage, Who can?

  1. “and we’re not sure it’s there,”

    …no worries, you can just raise taxes, nicht wahr? Its not like its YOUR money anyway, so as long as your stealing, steal big…

  2. These idiots and the “minimums wage” nonsense need their heads checked, or at least their heads tied into plastic bags.

    When has raising the minimum wage done anything but put the screws to those who make more? The value of the minimum wage never changes. The definition of insanity, and so on…

    What it renders to is marxists should be made extinct.

  3. ” As a VPR article states, this is “a simple math problem.”

    For the people that gave us common core a “simple math problem” is a insurmountable obstacle and something to be ignored, reviled, and called racists at all costs because it forces one to think in the real world, not in some oblowme pipedream made up of unicorn farts and soy milk.

    Can’t wait till the 3-time loser burney gets to feel the burn again. I wonder if they will give him another beach house for throwing this election to whomever buys the DNC this time around?

  4. @Perry: “Tourism draws fools, who later move in, … Example:Vermont”

    Vermonter here. It ain’t easy. Thankfully very rural, and still in ‘olde’ Vermont.
    Had to go to the dump and hardware store yesterday. The massholes are back. The dump is somehow a prime place for socializing for seasonals. At the store, I was buying two nyloc nuts for a tractor repair and had to wait while the people before me were setting up an account with credit cards, phone numbers and who knows what else. I was fixing old stuff and they were buying new. Typical. As I was presenting my 64 cent purchase and being asked -‘is that all?’ I was interrupted by another masshole who asked the cashier where something was, and they wanted to be shown, as they had some ‘questions.’ It ain’t easy. Got home, fixed the tractor, went out and started cutting next winter’s firewood..
    ‘just let me live my life the way I want to’ Jimi Hendrix


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