Sen. Rick Scott Embarrasses Ocasio-Cortez on Gun Control – IOTW Report

Sen. Rick Scott Embarrasses Ocasio-Cortez on Gun Control

Flag & Cross; Once again, uninformed freshman Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to show she knows so very little of which she speaks.

This time, she responded to former Florida governor, current Florida senator, Rick Scott.

Scott shut her down hard.

It all began with 2020 contender Sen. Cory Booker’s (NJ) thoughts on creating a federal license for gun owners…


11 Comments on Sen. Rick Scott Embarrasses Ocasio-Cortez on Gun Control

  1. Engaging AOC in a debate is like hunting over a baited field. BTW, having to sit down and be interviewed by a gov’t tool to get a gun is nothing new. I had to do exactly that in 1975 while in the people’s republic of Massachusetts just to obtain a pistol permit. Not a concealed permit, just a permit to purchase/possess a handgun. Spent 30 minutes with the chief of police explaining “WHY” I wanted it. Didn’t dare state the 2nd amendment or it was my right as that would’ve killed it right there.

  2. AG Barr is commencing an investigation of the so called resistance and their attempt at a coup.

    Now the resistance is calling for Barr to resign.

    Isn’t that obstruction of justice?

  3. I remember, just a few months ago, when it was the Republicans who were humorless scolds, lashing out impotently at a sweet young dancing girl…

    “Dude, you’re all out of bullets, you’re all out of bombs, you’re all out of all this stuff. What have you got left? I’m six days into the term, and you already used all your ammo.”

    …and now the sweet dancing girl is the humorless scold, lashing out at a wise-cracking Republican in one tweet and handing us ammo in the next tweet.

  4. …nice, but it’s not possible to embarrass a Democrat. Embarrassment requires some sense of self-awareness, some sense of shame, and some ability to admit, even if only to ones self, that you are wrong.

    Democrats have none of these things.

    …so, she’ll call Rick Scott a racist and move on, confident that she is practically perfect in every way, and with no worries other than how her garbage disposal is colluding with Russians and Donald Trump to make worrisome noises if she moves a switch next to the sink…

  5. Billy Fuster May 8, 2019 at 9:56 am

    “Debates” on social media don’t really drive the points home. I’d much rather see these two go at it on a live radio or TV feed.

    While I agree, to a point, and gave your comment it’s first like, I personally prefer written negotiations and agreements in biz. Hard to go back on what you write. You took the time to think and compose your thoughts.

    Why I prefer texting with a new customer. They can just go back and see what the promises were or the answers to pertinent questions that were asked.

    If someone flip-flops on something, it’s there for all to see and they lose credibility instantly and permanently. You have their number at that point.

    Shady or manipulative people never get a discount from me. In fact, their prices will always have an “asshole” charge in it to cover the trouble I know will come.

  6. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to hunt wild game and effectively hit paper targets, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    Oh wait, that’s not what it says.

    It says this – “…. being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    Now what threatens the security of a free state?

    That would, primarily be politicians, and government bureaucrats that promote tyranny (for our own good in many cases), and secondarily be thugs and violent criminals (aka the people not smart enough to make their crimes legal, as the politicians and government bureaucrats do).

    Hunting bambi and shooting paper targets is mostly self training preparations to effectively carry out the primary and secondary purpose for the existence of the 2nd amendments restrictions on government power. Plus its just kind of fun to do.


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