Rep. Ilhan Omar Supports Group That Produced Child Beheading Skit – IOTW Report

Rep. Ilhan Omar Supports Group That Produced Child Beheading Skit

Federalist; Shocking footage uncovered by the Investigative Project last week shows a skit produced by the Muslim American Society (MAS) in Philadelphia showing children calling for martyrdom as soldiers in the “army of Allah” and threatening to behead their enemies and subject them to “eternal torture” to wrest Jerusalem from Jewish control.

The horrific MAS-Philly children’s skit was posted to their Facebook page and shows a choreographed production as part of the group’s April 17th “Ummah Day” pageant dedicated to supporting jihad to control Palestine. A MAS statement on Friday said the songs and poems the children recited exhorting violence and terrorism were an “unintended mistake” and attributed the incident to a vetting error.

MAS has 42 chapters across the United States. A 1997 FBI file obtained by Judicial Watch identifies MAS as the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States controlled by Hamas sympathizers “known to conduct firearms and other military type training.” A Justice Department filing (p. 58, fn. 13) in a terrorism-related case states that “MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” A September 2004 Chicago Tribune investigative report revealed that MAS had been founded by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, adopted the group’s strict code for secrecy, and promoted Islamic supremacy.

The article interviewed one former MAS member who explained the group’s vision for Islamic rule in America: “It would convert Americans to Islam and elect like-minded Muslims to political office.” Even more shocking is that freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D–MN), of other recent controversies, has openly supported MAS.  more here

19 Comments on Rep. Ilhan Omar Supports Group That Produced Child Beheading Skit

  1. All Muslims believe in and are committed to the same thing, to varying degrees ranging from mildly to extremely, but all to some degree.

    They all believe in and push for Muslim dominance, and mostly have no qualms about how it is achieved.

    This includes Omar and Tlaib, and they are not of the mildly committed variety.

  2. …I kind of want to keep her around. Apparently, she’s too dumb, too steeped in vicious Somali “culture”, or both, to know when she’s SUPPOSED to lie.

    …if nothing else, she DOES give us some rare honest insights into what Islam is REALLY up to.

    …just make her, like, a “shadow” representative. Take away her lawmaking and voting privileges, but by all MEANS let her speak her violent little mind for ALL to hear…

  3. “Someone” should really do “something” about her.

    And if her little mosque is teaching kids to behead infidels, then someone should do something about them too.

    I’ve been told that language is innocuous enough to mean anything.

    Kind of like the difference between spying and surveilling. If “surveilling” Trump was ok, then Trump needs to surveil, entrap and enlist foreign agents and apply for fake FISA warrants immediately. Low level staffers need to take lunches with people claiming to have dirt on Trump.

    Who would say no? The jails will be overflowing as Nasty Pelosovic would say.

    Those are the rules, yes?

  4. Aw come on … we indoctrinate kids the same way … we make them recite “in God we trust” and “with liberty and justice for all.”

    I don’t see any difference, do you?

  5. As before:
    They teach their sons to cut off heads,
    We teach our sons to suck dicks.

    And THEY’RE supposed to apologize?
    When are we going to fucking get serious?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. We should just be collecting all this video evidence and Willy Horton the whole lot next year. Run adds exposing them all from that congressman who like bullying literal little lone old lady in the street to Omar the terrorist loving congresswoman.

    Just turn them into the sick jokes that they are.

  7. Are we pouncing, y’all? I haven’t gotten the text yet. And who’s bringing the death threats this time? I brought a whole tray last time and nobody took a bite.

  8. Pounce de Leon, this is a local story, bruh. If it somehow goes national (gob forbid that effing Trump tweets about it) we’ll tell you when you’re pouncing, m’kay?

    And you don’t have to bring death threats. We’ll make sure to send some in your name.


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