Trump Slams NYT “Hit Job” on his Tax Returns – IOTW Report

Trump Slams NYT “Hit Job” on his Tax Returns




Tax rules, done legally. What an eye-roller, NYT!
All they had to do was ask him about it. Even I knew this and I didn’t own property. lol.
P.S. There were tons of books written on how to do the exact same thing. 😉

11 Comments on Trump Slams NYT “Hit Job” on his Tax Returns

  1. Why do so many pay attention to the NYT and hold them in high esteem as if they were some great news organization that shouldn’t be held to question?

    In reality, they’re nothing but a political propaganda organization that uses the news as a means to convey it.

  2. Ladies and gentlemen.

    Fugetabout John Gotti. There’s your REAL “Teflon Don” right there.

    Hey progtards. (Grabs HUGE testes with right hand and shakes ’em up and down at a fast and ferocious manner.) Fugetaboutit!

  3. Alright, then! Let’s see Nadler, Schumer and Pelosi open up an investigation on POTUS Trump’s 30 year-old tax return, seond-hand, vapor-rumors from the NYT’s. Hey! They did it with a prefab “Dossier”. Let’s see how that goes. DO IT!!

  4. Why are the progs not demanding Amazon and Facebook’s Jeff Bezos and that funny looking red headed stepchild with a stupid haircut be dragged through a gutter for not paying taxes.
    Where we throw poo at one, we throw poo at all.


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