Comey team may have used confidential sources prematurely, ex-FBI intel official says – IOTW Report

Comey team may have used confidential sources prematurely, ex-FBI intel official says


A former FBI official says former FBI Director James Comey’s team may have run afoul of “strict guidelines” in its counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Kevin Brock, former assistant director of intelligence at the FBI, wrote an op-ed for The Hill in which he said Comey is “in trouble and he knows it.”

Although Comey asserts he did nothing wrong, Brock says the incoming reports from U.S. Attorney John Huber and Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, as well as an assessment by Attorney General William Barr, may say different.

He focused part of the piece on the bureau’s use of confidential human sources to make contact with members of President Trump’s campaign who had suspicious ties to Russia.

“Without diving into the weeds, it’s important to understand that FBI counterintelligence investigations generally proceed sequentially from what is called a ‘preliminary investigation or inquiry’ (PI) to a ‘full investigation’ (FI). To move from a PI to an FI requires substantial information — predication — indicating investigative targets acted as agents of a foreign power,” Brock wrote.  more here

7 Comments on Comey team may have used confidential sources prematurely, ex-FBI intel official says

  1. I don’t know but this reads like a process issue not a legal one. I think treason can be proved successfully without diving into “process” violations….. Hang em!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. two wrongs don’t make a right.
    Sounds to me that they are suggesting comey did something wrong, but since he did it incorrectly, everything might be OK for him. And mr. Intent won’t even have that word mentioned in any of it.
    Didn’t motive used to be the word that is now ‘intent.’ They’ve cleaned that up a bit, too. ‘Oh, it was only intent, it wasn’t his motive.’

  3. Forget not – the leftist President promoting Jim also promoted: Brennan, clapper, Mueller, Lois Lerner, …(If you want a list of Deep Staters this immoral man promoted -ask). the same man who in Oct 01 implied Americans were the cause of the Muslim attacks because Islam is the ROP!

    If you really, honestly do not want “our Betters’ ruling us do not vote for liberals IN EITHER BIG PARTY. GWB ‘ like Comey’ told us over and over he was R!

    In spite of the fact that in ’16 the entire Bush clan said VOTE CLINTON!

    Liberal GOP are no better than liberal D; may be , as GWB clearly shows with: Mueller, Comey et. al., may in fact be worse than lib D!

  4. If you want an interesting read, take a look at the March issue of Imprimus: Politics by Other Means: The Use and Abuse of Scandal.

    Tasty excerpt:

    “It wasn’t until many years after Watergate that we learned the identity of the source of the leaks that led to Nixon’s removal. Deep Throat, the source for the reporting of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein at The Washington Post, turned out to be Mark Felt, a high-level FBI official who had access to all of the classified information pertaining to the investigation. Felt leaked that information selectively over the course of a year or more, helping to shape public opinion in ways the prosecution could not. Although Woodward and Bernstein were lauded as investigative reporters, they merely served as a conduit by which the bureaucracy undermined the authority of the elected chief executive. Geoff Shepard, a young member of Nixon’s defense team who has continued investigating Watergate using the Freedom of Information Act, has recently established as well that the prosecutors and judges involved in Watergate violated the procedural requirements that ensure impartiality, acting instead as partisans opposed to Nixon.”

    So, Mark Felt was the equivalent of today’s FBI and CIA strategic leakers, and Bernstein and Woodward are not the heroes the Left have been lauding low these many years. The latter were just partisan ‘friendlies’ at WAPO. The more things change the more they stay the same.


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