POTUS wants to curb authority of judges to issue nationwide injunctions – IOTW Report

POTUS wants to curb authority of judges to issue nationwide injunctions


Vice President Mike Pence announced Wednesday that the Trump administration will seek to end the authority of district judges to order nationwide injunctions.

“So I say to all those gathered here: For the sake of our liberty, our security, our prosperity and the separation of powers, this era of judicial activism must come to an end,” Pence said in a speech to the Federalist Society. “The Supreme Court of the United States must clarify that district judges can decide no more than the cases before them.”

“It’s remarkable to think a Supreme Court justice has to convince four of their colleagues to uphold an injunction, but a single district court judge can issue one, effectively preventing the duly elected president of the United States from fulfilling what he believes is a constitutional duty,” Pence added.  more here

7 Comments on POTUS wants to curb authority of judges to issue nationwide injunctions

  1. Show me in our Constitution where they are “given” that “authority” by We, the People of the United States.
    The only – *ONLY* – court authorized by our Constitution is the Supreme Court – all other courts are subsidiary.

    They have no “authority” – only some lame-ass usurped tradition – and NONE of them have EVER had the “authority” to invent law – to aver that one thing is un-Constitutional is not to affirm that one other thing else IS Constitutional – at worst, any un-Constitutional notion should be handed back to the Legislature.

    So, how does one “curb” an “authority” not granted by our Constitution?

    And the 10th Amendment must reign supreme.

    But we’re so far down the throat of the Abyss that most wouldn’t understand my argument.

    izlamo delenda est …


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