Andrew McCarthy: Congress’ contempt stunt against Attorney General Barr – IOTW Report

Andrew McCarthy: Congress’ contempt stunt against Attorney General Barr

FOX: When Congress uses its contempt power, there are basically three avenues it can pursue for purposes of enforcement. In the case of the House Judiciary Committee’s party-line vote to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt – for purportedly failing to produce a report he has actually produced – Democrats, who control the House, will use the route that is most political and, thus, least credible: the unilateral congressional procedure.

The committee will refer its finding for a vote by the full chamber. The stunt here is so nakedly partisan that the House won’t even try to get support from the Senate. In theory, the House could try to take enforcement action on contempt. Congress even has a jail cell in the bowels of the Capitol … though it hasn’t been used in many, many years, and it certainly is not going to be used against a cabinet officer of the executive branch. (I’m thinking the U.S. marshals would not take kindly to the House sergeant-at-arms showing up at Main Justice with a congressional arrest warrant for the attorney general).

On the other extreme, the House could theoretically avail itself of the second avenue: It could seek the help of the executive branch – specifically, the Justice Department – to pursue criminal contempt charges against the attorney general (i.e., it could ask the attorney general to prosecute the attorney general).

Stop snickering … I did say “theoretically!”

The third avenue would be to turn to the judiciary for a court citation of contempt. Democrats will not try this because it would be humiliating.  more here

9 Comments on Andrew McCarthy: Congress’ contempt stunt against Attorney General Barr

  1. Arrest all dems that voted contempt because Barr wouldn’t allow being coerced into a crime. They were warned but did it anyway. All on video. This is the constitutional crisis they speak of. If you let this slide you ain’t got no balls and that will be the con crisis.

  2. Glassof Water (D)
    MAY 10, 2019 AT 7:58 PM
    “Only a fool goes after Barr. If they want that bull, all they’re going to get are the horns.”

    …some of them may LIKE that prospect, seeing as how a significant portion of the modern Democrat party openly BRAGS about how they enjoy having phallic things shoved up their asses…

  3. Was Eric Holder in contempt? What happened with that?


    I wouldn’t worry too much, no politician is actually ever “punished” in Washington.

  4. The Demonkkkrats are always saying “Constitutional Crisis”, when what they REALLY have is a Constipational Crisis. In plain English, I mean they are full of themselves! The Cure for their problem is the Medieval Torture known as ‘Jacob’s Chair’.

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