More Bad News for Beto – IOTW Report

More Bad News for Beto

WFB: Beto O’Rourke is having a bad week. He’s fading in the polls, and is approaching “statistically insignificant” territory in the most recent survey of New Hampshire primary voters. His stump speech was panned by an 8th grade civics class in Iowa. THE POLITICO reported on his struggles to “organize a viable campaign.”

When O’Rourke announced his candidacy in March, the former congressman and failed Senate candidate was lauded as a formidable candidate, perhaps even a solid bet to win the nomination. A lot has changed since then. Beto’s appeal as the “White Obama” has found little purchase amid the rise of “Gay Obama,” in the form of South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, whose surging poll numbers might have Beto “regretting that he’s straight,” in the words of former Congressman Barney Frank (D., Mass.).

The brutal headlines keep piling up for Beto, who at this point might also regret abandoning his career as a middling blogger trying to “find himself” in the American countryside.

28 Comments on More Bad News for Beto

  1. Shtruggles to organize a viable campaign?

    Say what?! Last time he spoke it was about how is campaign was the biggest and bestest most grassrootest campaign of all times.

    Plus he’s got all that white male privilege on top of it all while at the same time doubling as a hispanic. But yea, he would be much better off running as a totalitarian faggot black transvestite muslim woman practicing gender fluidity with a whole host of new pronouns and adjectives for his underlings to sort out.

  2. Maybe he can flail his arms a little more, stand on more diner counters and use a megaphone for ‘crowds’ of 5 or 10. That should garner more interest.

  3. …no, we WANT Beto to stay in.

    …we want ALL the clowns in the car for as long as possible, sucking each other’s air, taking each other’s donors, writing campaign commercials for Republicans, and hopefully pissing off each others’ base so they don’t vote in November.

    …remember the show “Weakest Link”, where they would get together to vote out the COMPETENT guy near the end, so a moron always won? It’s like THAT, but with the Dem nomination as the prize.

    …so have at it, there, Beto. This is YOUR year, go TAKE it from those nasty, nasty Dem opponents, the people CRAVE your rule, if only you would step up your attacks…;)

  4. My guess is he’s going to do something completely ridiculous in order to prove he’s the most extreme left candidate and therefore the one who should get the nomination. Unfortunately for him it will backfire.

  5. The Howard Shultz campaign is looking for a graphic designer here in Seattle. So, Mr. Starbucks hasn’t faded into the woodwork yet. Beto is a dunderhead but Shultz has what it takes to make NeverTrumpers swoon. I don’t know if he’d be a bigger spoiler for Trump or for Biden. Either way, I’m a bit concerned with him still lurking out there.

  6. I’m not really sure what he’s actually doing, but I really, really like watching him do whatever he’s doing. This has got to be the damnest thing since really stupid political stunts got started back in the Gilded Age. Now, it’s the Gelded Age. Has anyone alive ever witnessed so many geldings running for high office? Don’t get me started commenting on the neuters running on the distaff side of this emasculated and neutered Clown Catastrophe.

  7. Illustr8r, a couple of weeks ago Fox News had a Howard Shultz town hall.
    They had a countdown clock in the right hand corner of the screen that actually displayed the time down to one hundredth of a second!
    Someone evidently realized how fucked up that was and dropped the .00.
    I couldn’t believe it was FOX!

  8. Probably thinks he still leads over everyone in the polls and would beat Trump by 10 points. Waiting to hear him ask “Why aren’t I ahead by 50 points?” with an angry face, of course.

    Claudia MAY 10, 2019 AT 10:13 PM
    Maybe he can flail his arms a little more, stand on more diner counters and use a megaphone for ‘crowds’ of 5 or 10. That should garner more interest.

    Wow. I was going to say this exact thing. Maybe shorten it to ‘He needs to go into super flail mode”.

    Sarcasm is so appropriate for this beta loser.

  9. Most anything that’s bad for Beano is good for America.

    That this enema-nozzle is even taken remotely seriously is a testament to our mal-education and lack of culture.

    In different times he’d be considered a joke, not a contender – sort of a manic Pat Paulsen – but then, the complete Demonrat lineup is sort of a joke.
    (not that they should be taken as a joke – their aim to destroy America is quite real)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Beto is such a dork that, if he actually was Hispanic, Coyotes would refuse to bring him across the border! I could see him begging to be Pansy Pate’s running mate, singing “Come a little bit closer” to him.

  11. From the linked article:

    There’s a reason his biography doesn’t feature much in the campaign. For O’Rourke, the phenomenon on display in that race—failure without negative effects, and with perhaps even some kind of personal boost—is a feature of his life and career. That biography is marked as much by meandering, missteps and moments of melancholic searching as by résumé-boosting victories and honors. A graduate of an eastern prep school and an Ivy League rower and English major, the only son of a gregarious attorney and glad-handing pol and the proprietor of an upscale furniture store, the beneficiary of his family’s expansive social, business and political contacts, O’Rourke has ambled past a pair of arrests, designed websites for El Paso’s who’s who, launched short-lived publishing projects, self-term-limited his largely unremarkable tenure on Capitol Hill, shunned the advice of pollsters and consultants and penned overwrought, solipsistic Medium missives, enjoying the latitude afforded by the cushion of an upper-middle-class upbringing that is only amplified by his marriage to the daughter of one of the region’s richest men.


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