San Francisco Considering an ‘IPO Tax’ on Tech Companies to Fix ‘Wealth Gap’ – IOTW Report

San Francisco Considering an ‘IPO Tax’ on Tech Companies to Fix ‘Wealth Gap’

Hannity: San Francisco is considering a new ‘IPO’ tax on technology companies to help “spread the wealth” as the city continues to struggle with rising crime, rampant homelessness, public drug use, and soaring real estate prices.

“City leaders here are proposing to more than triple a tax on stock compensation in a bid to use revenue from a wave of public offerings by tech companies to address concerns about growing wealth disparity,” writes the Wall Street Journal.

“The so-called IPO tax would raise the levy on corporations for stock-based compensation to 1.5% from the current rate of 0.38%. That would restore the rate to its level in 2011 when the city, pulling out of recession, cut it as part of a change in its tax structure intended to keep companies from leaving,” adds the report.  more

24 Comments on San Francisco Considering an ‘IPO Tax’ on Tech Companies to Fix ‘Wealth Gap’

  1. Gee Wally, “spread the wealth”?? I’d say opportunities abound for companies to offer Shovel-Ready jobs to spread the human manure!

    Yeah Beave, sounds kinda shitty, has anyone called Mike Rowe yet?

  2. Aaaannnnddddd the gas tax 55.2 cpg, and the individual income tax (10%) and (only 10K can be deducted from fed tax) ha ha ha and only 400k mortgage can be claimed in fed tax and the city tax and the county tax, and the tax tax.

    They have a drug problem, result: every street is skid row.

    Oh now this, Starbucks installed needle receptacles in bathrooms.

  3. So. I bust my ass to get a start up off the ground, amid repeated failures, and everything else. I make it to ‘The Show’ getting an IPO, and you fucktards want a piece of my action for this exact reason: Other people don’t have what I have.
    That’s your reason.
    You ignorant sluts.
    If I had an IPO I would pay taxes on my new building, any improvements on said building, equipment that goes into that building, payroll tax on the people that will work in that building, then any profit (if it doesn’t crash and burn in a spectacular fashion) I might earn will be taxed, and I will pay taxes on anything I might buy with that money.
    God help me if I invest any of it.
    The fucking cheek you display

  4. Lazlo The Elder,

    We ALL feel your pain.

    Here’s hoping you have total and complete success despite the ignorance, stupidity and arrogant dumbness that is relentlessly and purposefully tossed into your path by the biggest, dumbest Assholes that are allowed to roam the halls of American freedom.

  5. I am SICK and TIRED of our city, county, state and federal representatives being referred to as our LEADERS! FFS! We fought a war against the fookin’ crown! I don’t need no stinkin’ leaders.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Disclaimer – My NoCal family goes back 11 generations. my Mother’s parents lived through “the Big One” 113 years ago.

    Frisco is the only “major” city in Cal that has not grown for 90 years! Pop ~750G in ’30; ~750G in 2019!

    It has always been expensive for “working folk” My brother had a nice place on Roscoe overlooking Candlestick. He was forced to sell and move 20 years ago because he barely made $150G – not nearly enough to benefit from the tax loopholes like Nancy and Feinstein.
    When I was a kid Gas in Frisco was $0.15.9 a gal; in SoCal it wqs 0.11.9. carton of Cigs wqs $0.75; in SoCal $0.50!
    It DID have 1 endearing feature – Larrabaru! I Looked in vain in soCal from ’55 to 70 for a loaf! Whenever I went back to Frisco I bought many loaves. the Tree Huggers killed Larrabaru about 40 years ago. G D em all to H!

    Frisco was a mafia town when I was a kid. 2 mayors were from the mafia; both Aliotos. Also the home of the Mafia money cleaning bank Bank of Italy, B f A the last 80 years. But you Easterners may not believe this but B of A was the Mafia’s bank for decades!

    but the taxpayers have lots of $ they now not what to do with. the Mayor knocked up the wife of his campaign manager a decade ago. So he got the taxpayers to pay her $1,000G Workers Comp! Her pimp husband will never have to do “honest ” work again! BTW for you easterners he is now GOV! And still knocking up other men’s wives!

    This tax approach has been trie many times in Frisco the last 100 years. Failed EVERY TIME! I predict another fail!

  7. They might as well be AI-generated talking heads sitting on top of a desk (or suspended in air) mouthing the 4th Estate / Government / Corporate Cabal’s propaganda, which is what we hear anyway. I believe absolutely nothing on network TV news unless I corroborate it independently on the web.

  8. Illustr8er, you take that Seattle graphics designer gig?

    Was hoping you could work some wicked awesome subliminal messages in the artwork.

    Like Joe Camel….but….you know… not as phallic.

  9. Hey Jellybean I don’t have an IPO nor will I probably ever. I’m a no-account lowly insurance adjuster, one step up from Timeshare salesman.
    Thanks for the good vibes, though.
    It was just my imagination (once again) Running away with me.

  10. Why would anyone in their right mind live in SF, let alone start a business there? The only thing it ever had going for it was a quaint kind of beauty, but that has been going since the Haight-Ashberry days, culminating in the present (literal) shitstorm. I honestly don’t know why the almighty doesn’t give it the Sodom-Gomorrah treatment.

  11. No problem, I’ll just consider it a dry run for the support of Conservatives far and wide.

    BTW—“……no-account lowly insurance adjuster,”

    I have dealt with insurance adjusters before and they can very possibly be ‘your friend’.

  12. More business leaving SF in 3…2…1…

    You want less of something, tax it. You want to kill it, tax it to death. This is their plan.

    Conversely, if you want more poverty and crime, just ignore bad behavior (e.g. homeless camps, public defecation, heroin use). I do pray that God drops some fire and brimstone on that place.


    Why it’s democrats giving it to their voters of course!

    That’s ALL that politics is!

  14. Moron left thinks people have no choice but to pay.

    If leaves on a certain tree were a commodity, they would harvest more and more right down to the root and call the plant an asshole when it died.

  15. It’s kinda fun watching bloated commie grasshoppers
    gobbling up their seed corn.
    They also forgot that some “corn” has legs
    and the cash to go elsewhere.


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