Border Patrol Agents Increasingly Getting Diseases from Swarm of Illegals – IOTW Report

Border Patrol Agents Increasingly Getting Diseases from Swarm of Illegals

Godfather Politics: According to reports, more and more border patrol agents and their fellows in immigration are contracting diseases like mumps and measles because of coming into contact with the avalanche of illegals trying to break our laws and sneak into the U.S.A.

These often filthy, starving, and lice-infested illegals are bringing in pestilence and diseases that are generally non-existent among real Americans.

More and more agents are forced to sick leave because they are contracting measles, mumps, chickenpox, and tuberculosis from the people they are trying to stop from entering the U.S.

According to Adan Salazar:

Carlos Favela, president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 1929, says the number of agents affected by illnesses has reached alarming levels in recent years, with an estimated 20 to 25 agents from the El Paso sector calling in sick each day, while others come in to work sick because they’ve used up their sick days.

“I believe this is probably the record, you know, Border Patrol-wide, since ever, of agents calling in sick,” Favela told ABC-7.

Think about this… Democrats are forcing mounting disease on our country.  more here

16 Comments on Border Patrol Agents Increasingly Getting Diseases from Swarm of Illegals

  1. Thought of the day:
    If your parents break the law to get you into college you should be expelled from school, they should be indicted, charged and convicted of a felony and may serve some time in jail.

    ALTHOUGH . . .If your parents break the law to get you into the country …. You should be given a FREE education, healthcare on the American taxpayers dime and EVERYONE should be given AMNESTY!

    I know there is something wrong here, I just can’t put my finger on it.

  2. A couple of months ago the son of a friend was attacked by a homeless man. The son is in his 40s, a teacher at the high school. Minor wound on the back of his neck from getting hit with a stick. The friend, who is retired LAPD Vice and Homeland Security, made an interesting comment. He said he was glad it wasn’t him – because he would have retaliated, and that the attacker’s body and clothes were likely swarming with disease and bugs. Not the response I expected – but I do believe he was right!

  3. Ever since public health was politicized during the AIDS crisis, concerns over stigmatization have become more important than containment of disease. Even when refugees and illegal immigrants are screened properly, the system will not apply any restrictions on those who test positive for contagious disease, or warn anyone who may be at risk of exposure.

    The industry that hires more refugees and illegals than any other is food processing and services. No worries. Everything is fine. The government has our best interests at heart.

  4. This is a blessing to them from our mother Goddess, who brought us our savior Obama. These border patrol thugs will now be naturally immunated by exposure to other peoples suffering and poverty, as will we all, so none of us will have to suffer from insidious Jew “innoculations” and “vacinations” that turn you into zionist drones. This is truly a blessing!

  5. Good thing Obamacare has that preexisting condition clause in it, otherwise these “undocumented guests” might be refused health insurance as part as their welcome wagon package!

  6. Any Surgeon General worth his or her salt should have warned about this years ago. They probably did but were ignored by greedy politicians, The Chamber of Commerce, and dirtbags looking for cheap labor. “Manufactured crisis” my ass!

  7. If any of us has gone over seas to a third world country the shot protocol must be followed, does anyone here thinks that our boarder patrol has not been given the shots needed. Rare strains of TB an other diseases are coming in and who knows what else. Shut it down.

    But, what dummy Democrats aren’t bothering to grasp is that if the border agents are getting sick from exposure to this sea of illegals, the rest of us are too!
    And that is why they do not want them coming to their cities.
    Infect the red states not the blue states.


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