Investigation on Russia Probe Origins Intensifies as Bombshell Memo Emerges – IOTW Report

Investigation on Russia Probe Origins Intensifies as Bombshell Memo Emerges

[detail] State Department handwritten notes of meeting with Christopher Steele
Uploaded by JohnSolomon

Epoch Times: The investigations on the origins of the Russia probe intensified after a newly-released document showing the apparent political purposes of Christopher Steele’s dossier surfaced.

Lindsey Graham, the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, sent a letter (pdf) to Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on May 10 requesting the Department of State provide documents related to communications between the department officials and Steele.

He made the requests after handwritten notes of an Oct. 11, 2016, meeting between then Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Kathleen Kavalec and Steele emerged.

According to the notes, Steele reportedly told Kavalec that he was “keen to see this information (the dossier) come to light prior to November 8,” the date of the 2016 presidential election. Steele worked for Fusion GPS—which was paid by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign—during that time period.

“It was unclear until recently, however, how significant her communications with Steele may have been,” Graham wrote in the letter addressed to Pompeo.

The document was able to be released due to the Freedom of Information Act.  more here


15 Comments on Investigation on Russia Probe Origins Intensifies as Bombshell Memo Emerges

  1. Weekend Dem Mimeograph Response Instructions:

    It was a counterintelligence operation, not spying, and the FBI started it all by itself. And OMG Trump is talking to the DOJ about investigating his political opponent Biden.

    As per usual, specific items of alleged evidence will not be addressed. Refer back to “counterintelligence operation” and hold.

  2. “THE STING” 2018
    by Imperator Rex (

    1. This is MASSIVE ( h/t @XL2_5N ): Sundance accurately summarizes some great work by Undercover Huber and Rosie Jingo on twitter. Seems clear that Weissman was setting Papadopolous up to frame him on money laundering, FARA and treasury violations. With dodgy FBI agents. BUT Sundance comes to the wrong conclusions. He claims Mueller and Rosenstein were in on it. Not just them, either.

    2. Sundance implicates Wray, Boente and McCabe, as well. Madness. 100% WRONG. This is what happened. Weissman, McCabe and a corrupt FBI network was being entrapped. BY Mueller, Wray, Boente, Rosenstein and Sessions. We know that Rosenstein and Boente are good guys. Wray is awkward and introverted, but there’s zero evidence he’s corrupt. Now check out footnote 1, page 13 Mueller Report (referenced in Sundance’s report). It SPECIFICALLY says that all FBI agents/..

    3. /…working for the SC were under FBI legal supervision. Connect dots : Weissman (and other corrupt SC staff), being watched by Mueller & Rosenstein, were running a corrupt group of FBI agents, who were being watched by Boente, who reported to Wray. Strzok and Page were among them. That’s what I think was happening. And it’s BRILLIANT. Remember McCabe reportedly saying ‘First we F Flynn, then we F Trump’ to a GROUP of 12+ corrupt FBI agents?

    4. Quote: ‘Many of his [McCabe’s] top lieutenants applauded and cheered such rhetoric. A scattered few did not.’ If I’m right, Weissman & Co at the SC had a small FBI army at their disposal. Page, Strzok, Clinesmith, Pientka, Trisha Anderson, Sally Moyer, Priestap, Moffa at the very least. ALL now GONE. And whoever was active in June/July 2017 was being watched and taped the entire time, by far smarter operators. We will learn the truth, soon enough.
    The end.

  3. “I feel like the Jenga puzzle on Russiagate is ready to topple.”

    I feel just the opposite, it is death by a thousand cuts.

    Every new story about FBI duplicity, one or two a week now for months, involving Hillary shills within the agency that actually committed crimes, feels like a new additional slap in the face because these felons will be protected and insulated from justice.

    Yes, we still have I.G. Horowitz’s report to look forward to, but TBH, he was tepid at best at revealing blatant FBI bias in the Hillary server report. I just don’t think he is going to deliver the goods.

    Each new revelation into the FBI corruption further punctuates the inequities within the judicial process and insults all Americans.

  4. We won’t hear much about this from the Governments propaganda stations CNN, NBC, CBS or ABC. If you want to find out the actual truth or facts don’t waste your time or efforts on any of them.

  5. This shit is not going to make the news until someone gets indicted. I know they said their IG report isn’t coming out until the end of this month or early June but these people have to get got long before the election.

    If they still have jobs when 2020 rolls around then they’ll get promotions. Time is of the essence here.

  6. @Rich Taylor May 12, 2019 at 11:06 am

    > further punctuates the inequities within the judicial process and insults all Americans

    You can’t insult the pervs that pay for the honor of being beaten.

  7. As Thirdtwin said, isn’t it interesting that Trump wanting to investigate actual illegal (and treasonous) actions by the Dems is being portrayed by leftists as Trump doing what the Dems are guilty of.


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