South Africa Election: ANC Wins Diminished Majority, Smaller Parties Make Gains – IOTW Report

South Africa Election: ANC Wins Diminished Majority, Smaller Parties Make Gains

Epoch Times:

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa—South Africa’s two major political parties, the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA), bled votes to the left and right respectively after an election on May 8 that many analysts had described as the most important since the country’s first multiracial vote in 1994.

The incumbent President Cyril Ramaphosa’s ANC dropped below 60 percent for the first time, but at 57 percent put in a relatively strong showing following Ramaphosa’s efforts over the past year to reform the government.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), whose leaders have encouraged land invasions and have been accused of inciting racial hatred, and whose protests have often exploded into violence, got almost 11 percent of the vote, up from the six it received at the 2014 poll.

The EFF’s election promise was to “truly emancipate” the nation of 58 million, by taking land and key parts of the economy away from white “settlers,” to give to black South Africans, the majority of whom it says have been excluded by ANC black empowerment policies.

The white Afrikaner dominated Freedom Front Plus (FF+), often described as right wing, came from nowhere to boost its support from less than one percent five years ago, to three percent. It is now the country’s fifth-largest political organization. The FF+ has spoken out against the ruling party’s proposed legislation that would allow the government to expropriate land without compensating its owners. more

7 Comments on South Africa Election: ANC Wins Diminished Majority, Smaller Parties Make Gains

  1. “The white Afrikaner dominated Freedom Front Plus (FF+), often described as right wing, came from nowhere to boost its support from less than one percent five years ago, to three percent.” Often described as right wing. These people are trying to stave off annihilation and that’s what they’re called!
    Where’s the useless UN?

  2. The whites in SA ought to see if they can form an alliance with the Zulu nation as well as the Asians, find a decent (agriculture and minerals) corner of South Africa that they can defend strip the armories and make a run for it. The ANC wants to kill off or force out all the whites but slowly so as to strip them clean and and have the world not notice (or care) while the the EFF wants to kill then all now.

  3. If ever a country needed Trumpsters’ aggression against a dictator, this one does. South African Black Communists intent on eliminating the white population is a terrorist nightmare.

    Friday, 14 December 2018
    White Genocide? South African Politician: Kill Whites, “Their Women,” and “Their Children”
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