Comey’s top FBI lawyer James Baker admits he’s ’nervous’ – IOTW Report

Comey’s top FBI lawyer James Baker admits he’s ’nervous’

AT: We just got a glimpse of the coming lines of defense for the deposed political cabal that formerly ran the FBI, as well as the limits of loyalty among them.

Former FBI General Counsel James Baker spoke in public Friday, before a very friendly crowd at the Brookings Institution, where James Comey’s pal Benjamin Wittes, a fellow there, organized a public event where the two men spoke. He revealed some useful indications of what’s going on among the cabal that weaponized the FBI’s counterintelligence apparatus against candidate and then President Donald Trump.

Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner reports:

Former FBI General Counsel James Baker admitted on Friday that he is “nervous” about DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s investigation into the conduct of the DOJ and the FBI during the Trump-Russia probe. (snip)

Baker said he is “assuming that they will dig and find stuff” and that “we’ll try to sort it out and see what mistakes were made.” But Baker defended the FBI’s actions, including its use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

So, he’s blaming “mistakes” not conscious planning for the abuses he knows will be uncovered. He has not turned state’s evidence.

But most importantly, Baker seems to be allowing that others may have committed crimes and concealed them from him:  MORE

11 Comments on Comey’s top FBI lawyer James Baker admits he’s ’nervous’

  1. Remember, killery simply made a mistake when she set up a private server on which to conduct state business……….. None of this subterfuge was committed on purpose, it was just a long series of subordinate’s mistakes!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. “Mistakes were made.”
    “We must make sure that this never happens again.”
    “We’re only going to take from the richest.”
    “No one’s talking about confiscation.”
    “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
    “I’m with the Government; and I’m here to help.”
    “It’s fo da l’il chillens.”
    “The check’s in the mail.”
    “I won’t ___ in your mouth.”

    Yada, yada, yada …

    How many more times do we eat these shit sammiches?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Sweating like a Menendez Boy. James Baker knows there is too much evidence and there are too many people who don’t want to go to prison if they can cut a deal. Sweat away, Mr. Baker. Paging John Dean!

  4. It’s always the indirect “mistakes were made”, rather than the more direct “I made mistakes”. The former leads to a perception that other persons made the mistake, not the speaker.

  5. The only ‘mistake’ that was made was being so arrogant that they felt no need to cover their tracks.

    Treason isn’t a “mistake” – it’s TREASON.

    In a sane world they’d already be executed.

    izlamo delenda est …


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