Yup. – IOTW Report



h/t Doc

23 Comments on Yup.

  1. And the green liquid is ________.

    (a) Some kind of horrendous hydrocarbon!! The world ends in 12 years and she’s not helping. Shame on her!

    (b) Vegetable oil that is already rancid like her Marxist ideas.

    (c) Her green urine. She’s an extraterrestrial! Deport the bitch!

  2. For those who haven’t realized it, those are the vials of a “bubble” or “spirit” level, like a carpenter uses for ensuring a horizontal structure is level.
    The term “spirit” is used because the liquid inside is an alcohol/water blend – just like “spirits” is used to describe alcoholic beverages.
    Often, one of the vials is set 90 degress from the others so a carpenter can check vertical structures for “plumb”.

  3. Hey Bernie, just move her a cunt hair to the left. You know what that means Bernie, you once being a 5/8 carpenter. Cut it twice and it was still too short. Right? Ever use a plumb bob Bernie?


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