It’s Over – IOTW Report

It’s Over

Bongino: In this episode I address astonishing new information which will forever bury the credibility of the Russia-gate conspirators. I also discuss new information about the scheme to entrap George Papadopoulos.

16 Comments on It’s Over

  1. We’ve been tortured by how slow events are moving before we see these scoundrels face justice. Now the information is beginning to come together so that even the general public is seeing what happened.
    The slow pace that troubled us so much is now eating at those guilty traitors who are awaiting their fate.
    I’m taking some satisfaction in that.

  2. Bury it only if the general public learns about the fraud, but it won’t. Most don’t look at alternative media like this site and social media exposure is tightly controlled.

    And even if they did learn of it, most Americans have been educated to be so stupid and misinformed that they don’t even know they have a right to be enraged that their own government did this. They’re mentally more European serfs than U.S. citizens.

    All we can hope for is that the administration builds a watertight case and prosecutes everyone involved.

  3. It’s true there’s a whole lot of uninformed people out there but there’s also many that do see what’s happening or we wouldn’t have Trump as president.

  4. The DOJ had a few too many irons in their fire to keep track of. I’m sure they will now bad mouth Kathleen Kavalec in their attempt to maintain the lie they’ve been polishing all this time. Where are all the honorable agents we’ve heard so much about that should have come forward?? Oh, they stopped hiring them a long time ago and any they might have had once, have all retired. Their stain on the agency not only stinks now, its getting a much darker tint. Maybe their not worth saving…

  5. Zonga,

    Take heart, I was around for Reagan vs Mondale in 84. No doubt you are correct in assuming the Demonrats will conduct voter fraud on an epic scale but the margin of victory will be so overwhelming for Trumpis Maximus that the results will never be in doubt.

  6. If it were over, I’d like to be seeing some marathon gallows action, something like the scene in ‘Blazing Saddles’ but more humor.
    It’s OK, I’ll wait.
    Huge stock of Pop Secret!

  7. @grool

    It’ll take an airtight case AND 12 honest and fair-minded people to decide the evidence. It only takes one biased democrat to hang the jury. It’s going to take much prayer.

  8. Grool – I have a neighbor who is an HVAC tech. He is the definition of a LoFo voter. Even he is pissed about the Ferris Mueller Report. “The TV news kept saying for two years that Trump is guilty. But he’s not guilty of anything? Then why the hell did they investigate him for two years?”

    I told him use Duck Duck Go to do searches on Uranium One, killarys illegal email server, the leftist state dept CIA and FBI employees who were pissed that she lost and finally FISA court spying abuse.

    It’ll be interesting to see what he says next time I see him. He has a lot of LoFo friends. If I can deprogram Jim, he will spread the truth to all his fellow LoFos like a public inoculation campaign

  9. It won’t matter how many people we register, ‘deprogram’ from voting D or how many R voters we encourage to get off their couches; if Voter Fraud is not dealt with before 2020, we will not have a fair election.

    I pray to God that I am wrong.

  10. Even lofo’s are issue oriented. With the economy humming like it is only masochists and lib dumbasses will not vote for Trump. Self interest will trump ideology.


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