Is Beto toast? – IOTW Report

Is Beto toast?

Patriot Retort:

Things aren’t looking good for Beto O’Rourke — the faux-Mexican, arm-flailing doofus from El Paso.

In fact, I think Beto is toast.

He’s over.



Yesterday’s news.

Even the mainstream media that collectively orgasmed when he entered the race a mere two months ago seem to be shoving him out the door.

He’s too white, too rich, too male, too straight, and tends to fail at everything he tries to do.

And without a slobbering, sycophantic media acting as his personal fluffers and fan club, it looks like Beto is sputtering out like a wet fart.

Because it turns out Democrat voters in early primary states just aren’t that into him.

Look at this graphic for polling in South Carolina:

20 Comments on Is Beto toast?

  1. So… the dems need a negro who is poor, female, and a homosexual who accomplishes things? Good luck. I bet they could find just the thing… they found that cockroach Obola.

  2. Coincidentally, the company that makes Mexican toast (yes, you can buy toast in Mexico) is called….. BIMBO.

    google that ish’. I’m too lazy to give you a link.

  3. This soy beto is so burnt toast he is not even worthy of trying to scrape away the damage potentially done.

    He probably orders his WHITE toast with no butta…jerk.

    Btw no offense to white bread lovers. RYE here.

  4. A sycophantic, “me-too,” Obola-wanna-be, who (apparently) didn’t have permission from the Politburo Central Committee to run.

    The dude’s a lame joke.

    A hungover, skateboard-riding, caricature of a power-hungry narcissist with delusions of being the next John Kerry.

    The sooner he collapses into depression and substance abuse, the better (for America).

    izlamo delenda est …


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