Twitter going after the scientists in conflict with transgender activist orthodoxy – IOTW Report

Twitter going after the scientists in conflict with transgender activist orthodoxy

American Thinker: Is Twitter going off the deep end?

Here’s the latest person it’s decided to ban:

Ray Blanchard, Ph.D. is no Alex Jones with out-there conspiracy theories.  He’s a respected scientist whose research on transgenderism is science-based and consistent with existing research on the reality of gender dysphoria, the psychological disorder that prompts some patients to attempt to change their sex.  He’s also quite compassionate toward these individuals, as they are his patients, but his research is premised on hard, fact-based research, such as that there is no changing a person’s chromosomes, even if a person has altered his body through surgery.  (This position, by the way, is accepted by many transgender people based on what I’ve seen on transgender bulletin boards.)  The doctor even supports the idea of transgender surgery despite its patients’ high remorse rate and supports allowing them to create a legal fiction to identify with their preferred sex, with a few exceptions such as participation in sports competitions, where those with XY chromosomes will always have an advantage over those with the XX configuration.

In short, he’s a moderate, with views well within the mainstream of science.  more




8 Comments on Twitter going after the scientists in conflict with transgender activist orthodoxy

  1. I’ve got a great idea – why don’t we all ban Twitter? Sauce for the goose and all that, right?

    I’ll kick things off by never signing up for it to begin with.

    Wow – that was easy. Guess my work is done here.


  2. Get used to it.

    We are in irreversible decline. Positive bumps here and there, but not sustaining. The reckoning for nailing to a cross the only hope for the planet while rejecting redemption is coming.

    Not a good time for non-christians.

  3. I hate all social media and refuse it as one would poison
    There needs to be a revolution.
    My data is mine.
    They should pay me for it.
    There’s your Universal Income
    Then market to me as you will.
    Don’t care as long as you pay me.
    Until then we need to go Galt and call our friends up and talk to them instead

  4. Twitter bans anything that might cause people to start thinking in a way they don’t want people to be thinking.

    It’s one of the ways the coming one world government system will control the masses of the common people.

    It’s not a new idea, it’s been done throughout history by the ruling authorities of the time, technology just makes it more efficient today.

  5. Reading this am I to correctly believe there are people suggesting chromosomes are changed by altering your body?!
    …such as that there is no changing a person’s chromosomes, even if a person has altered his body through surgery. (This position, by the way, is accepted by many transgender people based on what I’ve seen on transgender bulletin boards.)

    You can try to bully and censor what is said about transgenderism but most people are not buying what they are selling. It is a mental illness and non mentally ill people aren’t interested in living this sick fantasy, being forced to pretend this is reality or what is next, forced to date them.

  6. I know there is good and bad with all of
    these social media companies.
    However, when they join the enemies of the
    Republic I must ask anyone who claims that
    they have conservative values regarding our
    Constitution why they are using those sites
    and thereby enriching them to continue and
    worsen the damage they do.


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