Islamic Sex Slavery Painting Stirs International Controversy – IOTW Report

Islamic Sex Slavery Painting Stirs International Controversy



American Thinker: An American museum is vociferously calling on a German political party to stop using one of the former’s paintings in the latter’s campaign poster for the European elections.

Titled “Slave Market” and painted by a Frenchman in 1866, the painting “shows a black, apparently Muslim slave trader displaying a naked young woman with much lighter skin to a group of men for examination,” probably in North Africa (AKA “Barbary”).

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, founded in 2013 and first elected to Germany’s national parliament in 2017, has been putting up posters of the painting with the slogan, “So that Europe won’t become Eurabia.”

“We are strongly opposed to the use of this work to advance any political agenda,” objected Olivier Meslay, director of the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts, which houses the original painting.  He said his museum had written to AfD, “insisting that they cease and desist in using this painting.”  Despite the rather legal tone, the painting is in the public domain; even Meslay acknowledges that “there are no copyrights or permissions that allow us to exert control over how it is used other than to appeal to civility on the part of the AfD Berlin.”

For its part, the AfD said the U.S. museum’s call is “a futile attempt to gag the AfD,” adding that “[t]he German public has the right to find out about the truth about the possible consequences of illegal mass immigration.”  Even so, other elements in Germany are even more hostile to the AfD’s poster: “party workers have had to repeatedly put up new copies, only to see them destroyed again the following night.”  more here

SNIP: Edited. To see the original painting, click here,

20 Comments on Islamic Sex Slavery Painting Stirs International Controversy

  1. “would put ointments on slave girls of a darker complexion to whiten their faces; brunettes were placed for four hours in a solution to make them blond (‘golden’); ointments were placed on the face and body of black slaves to make them ‘prettier.'”

    That’s raysssssssist!

  2. Allah forbid we should show some truth here?

    Painting was simple way of communicating at the time.

    Now we have beheading vids to rely on.

    If Williamstown feeeeels this way burn the historical painting ya book burners.

    Hide the Moslem offensive stuff in the ‘not currently on view’ section in your dam basement.

    Speaking of hiding history who put that ‘blue dress veil’ on her??


    “The trade in slaves/captives became a huge profit as Europeans would have to buy their people back from slavery. These pirates raided villages in Spain, France, Italy, England, and sometimes even in Scandinavia. After centuries of raiding villages for booty and slaves, Barbary piracy would peak in the 19th century.”

    Between 1530 and 1780, it is estimated that 1,520,000 Europeans had been enslaved. How many more were murdered?

  4. @Horatio: “This reminds me of the Robert E Lee sculpture, remove ‘it’, purge it from history, an amazing piece of art done by an amazing artist:”

    nanzi pelosi was present when her father, the corrupt mayor of baltimore (some things never change) dedicated that particular statue:
    “On that day in 1948 when it was memorialized, 3000 Baltimoreans were there, including the grandchildren of Lee and Jackson, Maryland Governor William Preston Lane, Baltimore Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro, and his young daughter and future United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. [Source: The Marc Steiner Show]”

    There is a photo, from a baltimore newspaper showing her at the dedication. I’ve posted in in the past, but can’t find it now. If I do, I’ll archive it and also post it here. She tried really hard to bury any info about how her father was responsible for more Confederate statues than almost anyone else.

  5. @Maxie – yes, noticed the same…also notice the mother the girl is with and she is next, horrible.

    Revolting theme, amazing depiction though and quite real.

    Will have to find out more about the artist himself and how this piece came about.

    The Caribbean was filled with these types when they traded slaves and Ghost was trading just rum and tobacco with Jamaica or Haiti at the time.

    We were ready to defend ourselves, by all means necessary, of course.

  6. Muslims were the slavers to the world.

    Imagine if they got,stuck with michelle obama and rashida tlaib as defective returns?

    And imagine kamala harris on sale: “when she stops talking, is her mouth useful. But we give you a free whip to keep her in line.”

  7. Mohammedans still practice slavery to this very day. They call it to be possessed of the right hand.

    Mohammedanism is the only religion EVER in the world’s history that requires the forced conversion, subjugation, murder or enslavement of people. Despicable.


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