2 FBI officials who worked closely with Strzok and Page had no idea about their extramarital affair – IOTW Report

2 FBI officials who worked closely with Strzok and Page had no idea about their extramarital affair

The FBI, ladies and gents.

DC: Two FBI officials who worked closely with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page had no idea about the pair’s extramarital affair, they testified to a congressional committee, even though they work for an investigative agency and considered themselves friends.

The two who did not pick up on any signs of an affair played key roles in the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server use, which did not result in any criminal charges after FBI head James Comey drafted an exoneration speech before the investigation had concluded.

FBI personnel are trained to look for activity that could lead to an agent being blackmailed, which could include an extramarital affair.

A former undercover federal agent, Wayne Black, told The Daily Caller News Foundation the officials’ blindness to the affair says something about the Clinton probe, in which important leads were allegedly not followed.

But it also, he said, suggests Strzok used his FBI-provided training in the art of deception to become a cunning liar, a talent turned against his wife, his colleagues and investigators examining his role in the Trump-Russia investigation.

TheDCNF obtained unreleased transcripts of testimony from the two officials to the House committees on oversight and the judiciary. Both testified in the summer of 2018.

Jonathan Moffa, now deputy assistant director at the FBI, worked as a counterintelligence analyst for 20 years.

“When the Midyear Exam Investigation began and it was based in the counterespionage section, they put me in charge of the analytic team associated with that investigation,” he testified.

The investigation into Clinton’s emails was codenamed Midyear Exam. more here

24 Comments on 2 FBI officials who worked closely with Strzok and Page had no idea about their extramarital affair

  1. It’s been my opinion all along that the claim of Strzok’s and Page’s sexual relationship was misinformation and had as its purpose simply distraction and misdirection. Virtually every news story has included prominently that the two were having an affair, yet the source of that information was never mentioned. Support for the story was negative in nature: the two never denied it. I’ll be glad to admit I’m wrong if anyone can point me to an independent corroboration.

  2. So, they didn’t know? Not buying it. TBH, will never buy ANYTHING coming out of the FBI again. They just might be the Challenger Deep of the DC Swamp.

  3. But it also, he said, suggests Strzok used his FBI-provided training in the art of deception to become a cunning liar, a talent turned against his wife, his colleagues and investigators examining his role in the Trump-Russia investigation.

    That’s true about turning on his wife. Is she still married to him? Doesn’t Stroke still have a job in some government capacity? I don’t believe the 2 FBI agents. I’ve worked in the business world and I knew who was screwing who, and who was married. CYA is right!

  4. Shut up, I’m on my period! May 17, 2019 at 9:34 am

    Who in their right mind would ever suspect Page was in an affair!

    As a female I’m going to say it because it’s true. 99.9% of hetero males will put it anywhere, looks sometimes doesn’t matter. It’s that 5 seconds of ecstasy that they’re looking for. You might say afterwards “I can’t believe I screwed that!” /just saying

  5. @Goldenfoxx

    “99.9% of hetero males will put it anywhere”

    You need to hang out with a better class of men, those you surround yourself with sound like pigs.

    As far as these two love birds keeping their fornicating a secret, sounds reasonable to me. Strzok was married, of course they aren’t going to tell anyone including co-workers. Their affair had nothing to do with their shared bias for Hillary and shared animus for Trump.

  6. Awww … bullshit.
    A bunch of amoral traitors “testifying” about immoral behavior?

    I guess sex sells better than treason.

    Hey! Look over there! Something shiny!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “The two who did not pick up on any signs of an affair…”

    they ‘didn’t know.’
    Oh, that makes everything OK then, I guess. Now I understand.
    They didn’t know because the people that did know, did not tell them. Intentionally. And strozk and page knew that other persons knew, and they were compliant. To do otherwise would have caused their exposure. That is how blackmail works. And it did work. Did strozk and page know that others knew? I think so.
    At first, and maybe even now, I’d go along with Uncle Al, and consider that their ‘affair’ is constructed, in hindsight, to gain sympathy and otherwise explain their actions and words. But now I consider that they might have been having an affair, and that they really are completely morally bankrupt.
    And I do think obama/clinton/jarrett/brennen knew, affair or otherwise.

  8. We have messaging apps at my work and they are all monitored and saved.

    Not even covering the network of eyes and ears that see when married people start getting too flirty or chummy with colleagues, going to lunch together, caught in a stairwell – the old “this is my work spouse” talk.

    But then again, we don’t have anyone with the raw, smirking animal charisma of Peter Strzok or the come hither gum line and control top panty briefs of Lisa Page.

  9. I’ll repeat my statement that I believe the story of a Strzok-Page sexual relationship is fiction. It provided a great excuse for those leaking their voluminous texting exchanges to hold back thousands of messages as, semi-quote, personal and not relevant to the issues at hand.

    What evidence do any of you have that led you to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that those two miscreants were screwing? Screwing each other, I mean.

  10. “I’ll repeat my statement that I believe the story of a Strzok-Page sexual relationship is fiction…”

    I’m starting to think you’re right; It seems about as real as Hillary’s deleted wedding plans and yoga emails.

  11. But it also, he said, suggests Strzok used his FBI-provided training in the art of deception to become a cunning liar, a talent turned against his wife, his colleagues and investigators

    Occam’s slinky

  12. Rich Taylor May 17, 2019 at 10:40 am


    “99.9% of hetero males will put it anywhere”

    You need to hang out with a better class of men, those you surround yourself with sound like pigs.

    I’ve been married to the same man for 50 years. I worked with a lot of men who acted like pigs!

  13. “99.9% of hetero males will put it anywhere”

    “Never tomatoes!”
    (Richard Burton – the list was considerably shorter where he wouldn’t put it)

    izlamo delenda est …

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