Gucci received backlash for selling a turban on their site for $800 – IOTW Report

Gucci received backlash for selling a turban on their site for $800

DC: Luxury fashion brand Gucci received backlash for selling a turban on their site for $800.

The turban first appeared on Gucci’s fall 2018 runway line worn by white models, according to a report published Thursday by Page Six. The turban was reportedly listed on their site at $800, but has since been marked as sold out.

Critics of Gucci selling the turban call the product cultural appropriation.  more


15 Comments on Gucci received backlash for selling a turban on their site for $800

  1. Why not sell lamps made with faux Jewish skin, and re-live the chique of the old nazi concentration camp days?

    For 800 bucks, the turban should at least come with a bomb.

  2. Clothing that covers most of your skin is technically cultural appropriation if your bloodline hails from sub-Saharan Africa. You are stealing the idea from the white folks who invented pants.

  3. Funny how the only things which can’t be CuLtUrAlLy ApPrOpRiAtEd are useless nieces of shit you can make out of rags. OTOH, cars, airplanes, microwaves…

  4. The price is ridiculous but my mother wore turbans while she was dying from ovarian cancer and couldn’t get out of bed. Please, oh SJWs, tell me what white women who have had chemo and lost their hair are supposed to wear? Maybe a wig is too uncomfortable for them or too expensive. Give me a break.

  5. The problem that it is a male model that is wearing the turban, because as Peter pointed out, women have been wearing turbans since at lease the earliest days of the cinama. Heck, they are neater looking than a cloche hat.

    Another bomb from the sexually confused.

  6. If you see someone with a turban, it’s far more likely he’s a Sikh, rather than a moslem. The Sikhs started as a warrior cult to oppose Islam’s infestation of India, too bad they didn’t succeed – but they are considered great warriors. (Gunga Din – a WW1 ally against the Ottoman moslems and Germany)

    Another sign he’s a Sikh is the ceremonial dagger they are expected to carry, which may be just a lapel pin nowdays.

    To spot devout moslems, look for bumps on the forehead and a neckbeard. They also like to wear their best white robes when going out to slaughter.


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