California: Pilot Safe After F-16 Hits Warehouse – IOTW Report

California: Pilot Safe After F-16 Hits Warehouse

Epoch Times:

RIVERSIDE, Calif.—A warehouse worker said he heard the deafening noise of an F-16 jet moments before it smashed through the roof of the building near a Southern California air base.

“Next thing I know I just hear this explosion and turn around to the back of the building, and I just seen a burst of flames and just the ceiling started falling through every part of the building,” Daniel Gallegos told KABC-TV. “I turned around, and my co-worker just told me to get out, so I just made a run for it.”


14 Comments on California: Pilot Safe After F-16 Hits Warehouse

  1. …how would you like to have been the guy on the forklift in the thumbnail picture, just in front of where the F-16 came in…hope that guy hit his knees immediately, because God CERTAINLY has a plan for HIM, so he arranged to keep him around a bit longer…

  2. “…my co-worker just told me to get out, so I just made a run for it.”

    …congrats to THAT guy, you’d be surprised how many people in factories and warehouses don’t have THAT much sense, and won’t move unless either ordered to, or they want a cigarette and it’s a good excuse…

    …it kind of reminds me of a T-shirt that says, on the back; “I’m from the Fire Department, if you see me running, try to keep up”…

  3. Billy Fuster MAY 17, 2019 AT 9:58 AM
    “He was trying to draw a penis.”

    …THAT wasn’t the part that got him in trouble, it was when he went back to take a half-inch off to be in feminist compliance that he lost it…

  4. When I was at Miramar NAS back in the 70’s an old F-8 took off with its wings folded and no one caught it from the tower or on the tarmac before it took off. Fortunately the plane got airborne and managed to get out past the shoreline and over the Pacific Ocean before the pilot managed to punch out and eject from the plane with the plane crashing into the ocean. Talk about a major league screw up.

  5. The John McCain school of flying.

    Peacetime stateside flying is so simple we let teenagers do it. Barring sabotage, there’s no goddamn excuse for this.
    “Pilot safe”? Not from this taxpayer.

  6. They used to fly B52s there and trained regularly doing take offs and landings. It was fun on a warm summer night to watch them flyover with their landing lights on.
    No warehouses within 40 miles then.

  7. …I wouldn’t be so quick to indict the pilot, @Rufus T Firefly. Of the thousands of parts that make a fighter jet, none have a OEM stamp that says “Jesus”. There are also mechanics, ground crews, bird strikes, and just plain bad JP4 in the mix, all of which have been known to wreck aircraft.

    …screws fall out, the world is an imperfect place. If it’s pilot error, it will come home to him in due time, unless his Daddy is an Admiral or something…

  8. Red Flag 1988 an Marine Corps F-4D Phantom had it’s Drag Chute

    deploy on takeoff…Instead of releasing it, he kept the engines in

    Afterburner all the way around Nellis AFB and landed again..

    We were at the EOR and laughed are asses off.

  9. Anyone know why there was no fireball from the fuel load? The building sprinklers alone wouldn’t prevent that. And the jet seems relatively intact – as if it dropped flat on its bottom, with no forward speed.

  10. Shady nite crawler

    Thank you for busting on the aardvark and the firefly for there obvious and blatant snark comments.

    Ps could you check my spelling

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