New Document Exposes 2 Russian Dossier Sources – IOTW Report

New Document Exposes 2 Russian Dossier Sources

Bongino: As the spygate scandal unraveled early last year, “Stefan Halper” is a name that wouldn’t stop popping up.

Having previously been involved in a CIA spying scandal in the 1980s, Halper got another spy gig in the 2016 election in which he attempted to infiltrate the Trump campaign. In a prior article I extensively detailed Halper’s involvement in trying to entrap various Trump campaign team members.

Even after the election, Halper pitched himself as an ambassador to China for the Trump team after his presidential victory. In other words, even after Trump’s victory, a spy was nearly embedded within the Trump team.

Thanks to recently released notes from an interview the State Department’s Kathleen Kavalec had with dossier author Christopher Steele, a possible bombshell connection between Halper and the dossier has been uncovered. As discussed earlier in the week on the podcast, those notes also demonstrate Steele failing to keep his story straight between the State Department and FBI, proving how unreliable he is.

In Kavalec’s handwritten notes from their interview she makes note of two of Steele’s dossier sources; “Trubnikov” and “Surkov.”

Surkov is Vladislav Surkov, an aide of Vladimir Putin who is on the U.S.’s list of sanctioned individuals, and Trubnikov is Vyacheslav Trubnikov, who is currently the First Deputy of Foreign Minister of Russia and formally served as the Director of Foreign Intelligence Service.

Interestingly, Trubnikov is an associate of Halper. As Sara Carter reported back in August of 2018:  MORE

4 Comments on New Document Exposes 2 Russian Dossier Sources

  1. It occurs to me that, given the very nature of these activities, there will be a relatively small number of people (in the universe of politics) who have first-hand involvement with alleged crimes of illegal spying and abetting the crimes against the People, making it rather easier to identify and indict them all.

  2. The democratic party is nothing but an organized crime syndicate with some members embedded in the GOP as well.

    Everything they do is about enriching themselves off the power of office while shitting on the US public every chance they get. And half the US public is so fucking stupid that they think this is a good thing, because they simply can’t figure out that democrat promises were never meant to be fulfilled and that it isn’t the GOP sabotaging democrat good intentions. Democrats never intended anything but to get in office and then get fucking rich off their office. End of story.

  3. The walls are closing in! The noose is tightening! That’s all the MSDM could say for two years, and now that it is happening to their team, nothing but silence. Our time is coming. Right in time for the 2020 Elaction.


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