2020: Inside the clown car – IOTW Report

2020: Inside the clown car

From Washington Free Beacon:

Klobuchar Claims She Has Not Heard Northam’s Late-Term Abortion Comments.

[…] Klobuchar was asked by The View co-host Meghan McCain whether she agreed with Northam’s support of late-term abortions up until birth.

“Are you for what he said?” McCain asked of Klobuchar.

“I don’t know all his comments but what I do know is that I’m for women having the right to make a choice about her own body,” Klobuchar responded.

McCain retorted that Northam’s remarks “got a lot of publicity.”



Gillibrand Makes Campaign Changes as Fundraising Woes Raise Concern.

[…] She’s still short of the 65,000-donor threshold, one of two different Democratic National Committee requirements candidates can pass to make the first debates on June 26 and 27 (she has achieved the other, reaching at least 1 percent support in three different early-state or national primary polls). However, the only way to virtually ensure a spot would be to pass both thresholds, and Gillibrand has been beaten to the donor number by such novices as entrepreneur Andrew Yang and spiritual guru Marianne Williamson.


Mayor Pete Rolls Out Hard-Left Platform.

Proposals put Buttigieg to the left of Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg announced his first slate of policy ideas Thursday, a series of leftwing proposals that show how far the Democratic field has shifted in just a few years.

15 Comments on 2020: Inside the clown car

  1. So there’s a 65,000 donor threshold to qualify for the dem debates? If we can get enough of us to contribute $1 each to keep as many of these asshats in the race, the debates will be an unmanageable mess. Who’s with me?

  2. How Left-leaning does the entire, corrupt, political/corporate Cabal think the American people are? These people are nuts and about to find out they suck at politics.

  3. This cast of characters shows how far this once great political party has fallen. It is truly Lee Harvey Oswald’s Party now. John F. Kennedy couldn’t get elected now unless he embraced Socialism. Lyndon Baines Johnson helped bring this on us with his Great Welfare Society, and Osmidgen nearly finished the job. Fundamental Stupidity.

  4. Glad to see Klobuchar finally exposed for the fraud she is. Minnesota nice my ass!
    …and I see she still hasn’t bought a comb that works on both sides of her lopsided head.

  5. Buttigieg: A nice, neatly dressed, clean cut bucket of puss oozing from a festering boil. This piece of shit, along with democrats like him, come as disguised as sheep to the ignorant but are, in fact, ravenous wolves. The personification of all that is wrong with society in every possibe way imaginable. All they touch turns rancid in time. As Dennis Miller says: “But, then again, I could be wrong….” (but I’m not)

  6. Running for the Demonrat nomination but not paying attention to her competitors?
    Sort of similar to Obola’s “I read it in the papers just like you did …” lie.

    And “… the right to make a choice about her own body …” but not the “right” to be responsible for her actions – or the “right” to make a “choice” about rutting?

    Can’t be responsible for fucking like a dog in heat but supposedly able to make a responsible decision about killing her kid?
    Gimmee a fuckin break.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @ No Momma Obama: How about a freshly unloaded stock truck – one that hasn’t been cleaned out after the cows have left? More room and a perfect example of their agenda on the floor of the truck! Or, as President Reagan once joked, “a democrat platform”.

    forcibly deranged

  8. And I am all for men having the right to make a choice about his own body and whether he wants to be named as a father and whether he wants to support the mother and her children! A man should not have his name placed on a birth certificate unless he agrees to it and that he has no financial or physical obligation to either the mother or her child (clump of cells) unless he voluntarily agrees (which can be revoked by him whenever he decides)!


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