Transgender on Gender-Swapping Snapchat Filter: ‘My Gender Is Not a Costume’ – IOTW Report

Transgender on Gender-Swapping Snapchat Filter: ‘My Gender Is Not a Costume’

Breitbart: Snapchat’s new gender-changing filter that allows people to view themselves as the opposite sex has offended some members of the transgender community, who argue that their struggle with transitioning is being downplayed by the filter, as it allows users to swap-genders for their own amusement.

“My gender is not a costume,” said a thirty-one-year old transgender woman from New York, Bailey Coffman, according to a recent report by ABC News. Coffman’s remark suggests the notion that people who identify with their biological sex should not be using the Snapchat filter for their own personal entertainment.

The argument stems from a variation of the popular “my culture is not your costume” phrase, which was derived from individuals seeking to accuse people — who are simply going about their lives — of “appropriating” aspects of a culture that is not their own, according to the accuser’s subjective worldview.

What started as a seemingly contrived conflict over Halloween costumes has now appeared to have made its way to Snapchat filters, as some transgender individuals argue that their experiences dealing with gender dysphoria are being minimized now that others can simply change their gender identity for fun with the tap of a button.

Social media users are posting their Snapchat gender-swaps to social media, some of which are comical: MORE

13 Comments on Transgender on Gender-Swapping Snapchat Filter: ‘My Gender Is Not a Costume’

  1. Gender “dysphoria” is a mental illness and defact evidence that the person claiming it is unfit to hold office, teach or serve the public in ANY capacity more complicated than asking “do you want fries with that”.

  2. Hard times are coming to out country before long, and I mean really hard times in all sorts of ways.

    Do we have what it takes to survive them?

    I seriously doubt it.

    Stay vigilant, be prepared, stay ready.

  3. Sounds like today’s version of Little Johnny trying on Mommies bra! The only difference is if the Left sees him doing it they’ll hold a Pride Parade for him and convince him to chop off his tomatoes too!


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