Toomey Reintroduces Bill to Crack Down on Sanctuary Cities – IOTW Report

Toomey Reintroduces Bill to Crack Down on Sanctuary Cities


Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Penn.) reintroduced a proposal Thursday to cut off funding to the nation’s sanctuary cities, whose policies he said “make it harder to stop illegal immigration and keep dangerous criminals off the streets.”

The Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act was initially floated during the last congressional session, but was blocked as part of a whirlwind series of votes on immigration which failed to pass the Senate threshold for cloture. Now, Toomey hopes the bill will get a second hearing.

“It is past time to put an end to dangerous sanctuary city policies,” Toomey said. “Sanctuary cities extend a special protection to illegal immigrants even when federal immigration officials identify them as a threat to public safety. This is simply inexcusable, and I urge my colleagues to help pass this commonsense measure.”

Under federal law, U.S. immigration enforcement officers can deputize local police to perform certain immigration enforcement functions, as well as ask them to detain deportable immigrants whom the local agency has apprehended for other reasons.

Some cities, and even states, however, prohibit law enforcement officers from coordinating with ICE or CBP, and/or refuse to release information about identified illegal immigrants to federal law enforcement. Municipalities that choose to not enforce federal immigration law are generally called “sanctuary cities” (or, by analogy, sanctuary states). read more

7 Comments on Toomey Reintroduces Bill to Crack Down on Sanctuary Cities

  1. Toomey is I’m guessing in his mid fifties and it appears his nuts have finally dropped down. People mature at different times.
    That’s one theory the other I offer is that he’s up for re-election.

  2. Our friggin idiot lefty Governor Jay Inslee in Wash. State just declared Washington to be a sanctuary state and this moron is also running for Presidunce on the democrap ticket. Can we please get rid of this schmuck next year when he fails miserably in his bid to become the next Presidunce. And he also thinks that the Green New Deal is such a great idea that it will improve the country and the economy after we spend 9 trillion dollars in order to implement his ecotopia. I can’t stand this preening, self righteous, holier than thou jerk of a Governor, he sucks!

  3. With the House controlled by the Democrats, I doubt this bill stands even a tiny chance.

    A waste of time to make political points and gain some additional status with the Trump base Republicans at best. It isn’t going to become law.

  4. Guess Senator Tumor decided he waited long enough to jump off the fence and get the winning side which is stopping illegal immigration side. What a smooth between the legs, gutless wonder.


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