Northam Donor Knew About Racist Yearbook Picture, Kept It Secret – IOTW Report

Northam Donor Knew About Racist Yearbook Picture, Kept It Secret


WFB: An investigation into Virginia governor Ralph Northam’s Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook found that the school president, a political donor to Northam’s campaign, was aware of the racist picture and decided to keep it secret.

The report, released in full by the school Wednesday, says EVMS president Richard Homan was alerted by his staff of the picture on Northam’s yearbook page of a man in blackface together with an individual in a Ku Klux Klan hood while Northam was running for office.

“The staff members were advising the president at the time of the photograph and asking if EVMS had an obligation to or should do something about it, such as notifying Governor Northam about it,” the report says. “The president of EVMS decided that the school should not take steps to publicly announce the photograph or to call Governor Northam’s attention to it.”

The report says staff members “assumed” Northam would “already be aware of what was on his personal yearbook page,” and Homan “wanted the school to move forward with new initiatives rather than focus on the past.”

The report does not specifically say when Homan was made aware of the picture, but says it came as Northam was running for public office. Homan became president of the school in 2013 as Northam was running for lieutenant governor. He decided in 2014 that he was terminating yearbooks at the school.  more here

12 Comments on Northam Donor Knew About Racist Yearbook Picture, Kept It Secret

  1. I’m getting kinda tired of judging the past by today’s ever changing standards.

    What was accepted in the past was accepted in the past. If it isn’t accepted today then judge what happens today by today’s standards not what took place then, because it was commonly acceptable behavior in bygone days.

  2. So? The college president knew or suspected “something”? So? Is it his job (or even his “moral duty” – HAH!) to “rat” out an alumni on “something” that was legal in the past, and not illegal today?
    The “stazi” are out in full force. They’ll get’cha for what you do. They’ll get’cha for what’cha DON’T do.

  3. None of the weasel words says Northam is the guy in the picture. It’s just some unidentified man doing something. Northam should resign and go find the real perpetrator who defaced his yearbook page.

  4. Notice how they assume it was him in black face? That is the misdirection. More likely he was the klan man. Probably still is. That is what they want to obfuscate. It’s a Democrat thing…

  5. Big deal! The picture came out and a little stink was made. What change resulted from it? Maybe it was eye opening for some? We’ll see but I doubt it. Went away pretty quickly.


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