Ex-CIA officials freaking out about declassification order (Ignoring previous leaks of secret sources and methods) – IOTW Report

Ex-CIA officials freaking out about declassification order (Ignoring previous leaks of secret sources and methods)

Daily Caller: Former intelligence community officials, including former CIA director John Brennan, have expressed concern over President Donald Trump’s declassification order due the potential release of CIA sources and methods.

“The concern is that very, very precious source and methods of the United States intelligence community as well as our partners and allies abroad  those who share this sensitive information with us,” Brennan said on MSNBC on Friday.

17 Comments on Ex-CIA officials freaking out about declassification order (Ignoring previous leaks of secret sources and methods)

  1. If they have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear.

    As they always tell those they are (sometimes illegally) investigating.

    As I’ve said before, turnabout is fair play.

  2. S P O I L E R A L E R T

    Do Not Read If You Do Not Want To Know In Advance







    The PRESS did it.
    Now go forth and unmask who said what with whom and where on what channel when.

  3. I hope all this isn’t a waste of time, talk, and money. We’ve had over two years of this bullshit already. I want to see some bad apple exposed and stewed.
    I’m sick and tired of it!

  4. “Former intelligence community officials, including former CIA director John Brennan, have expressed concern over President Donald Trump’s declassification order due the potential release of CIA sources and methods.”

    I call BULLSHIT on this concern for ‘sources and methods’.

    Besides it’s time for NEW sources and methods. Everything King Merdas the Fraud and his Minions touched has been turned to total shit. Nothing that exists can be trusted, as has been amply demonstrated, and no one in government deserves the benefit of any doubt. Or any retirement benefits, for that matter.


  5. The guy they’re so worried about getting burned is Brennan’s pet. Therefore, whatever the guy is doing, it can’t possibly be good for America. But they’re not really worried about the guy getting burned. They’re afraid he’ll get turned.

  6. Several somebodies who should have known better than
    to break their oaths and worship at the alter of personality cults are pondering how sorry they are not due to honor,
    but that their faithlessness and crimes are being revealed.

  7. I don’t know how former they are, or who they are, but with all the intelligence failures we have had over the past 40-50 years, they probably should never have been intelligence officials, to begin with!

  8. Brennan said Friday that he is concerned that Barr will release highly sensitive information in “willy nilly” fashion.

    Oh no! Not willy nilly fashion!

    LOL!!! Twist and squirm, Brennan. Twist and squirm.

  9. Schiff for brains said he wants the officials involved in releasing unclassified docs, to resign rather that turn them over. Isn’t the obstruction of justice? Lock them up!!!!


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